Neighbourhood safety

This page has information about programs that you can use to help keep your community safe.

Crime Stoppers

You can provide anonymous information about unsolved crimes to Crime Stoppers. Calls are not taped or traced.

If you call, you will be given a code number to use when making further contact.

If your information leads to an arrest, you may eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.

Call 1800 333 000 to make an anonymous report.

You can also read about terrorism and reporting suspicious behaviour.

Neighbourhood Watch

You can act as the eyes and ears of the police in your area by joining Neighbourhood Watch.

A police officer on patrol may not recognise a stranger in your area but you and your neighbours will.

Neighbourhood Watch has members in all areas of Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek.

Membership is free. Go to the Neighbourhood Watch website for more information.

Register your party

You can register a party with police at least seven days before it takes place.

To get a party registration form go to the Northern Territory Police website  or pick one up from your local police station.

Police will check your event and your registration will help them if there is trouble.

Party hosts

If you are holding a party, you should:

  • tell neighbours in advance and provide a phone number in case they wish to contact you
  • make entry by invite only to keep out gatecrashers
  • put a start and finish time on the invitation
  • make sure there are non-drinking adults supervising if it is a young person’s party
  • encourage parents to collect their children at a prearranged time.

If your guests are drinking

If guests at your party will be drinking alcohol, you should:

  • supply the drinks - BYO parties can lead to excessive and unsupervised drinking
  • serve the drinks - make alcohol available from one area, served by a non-drinking adult
  • provide non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks
  • restrict the supply of full-strength beers, champagne, wines and spirits
  • feed your guests - avoid salty foods as these can encourage more drinking
  • consider displaying a Safe Party Alert Poster - available from your local police station.

If all else fails, you’re the host - you can ask people to leave. Be assertive to gain control of the situation.

Call police on 131 444 if things are getting out of control, before they get worse. Call 000 in a life-threatening situation or emergency.

Party guests

If you have been invited to a party you should link up with others to look out for each other, both at the party and when going home.

Nominate a sober driver or someone to pick you up.

Do not take alcohol to the party unless asked and don’t take more than you will drink.

Do not tell others who haven’t been invited about the party. This will prevent gatecrashers.


If your child has been invited to a party, speak with the hosts about:

  • the invitation list
  • numbers attending
  • the age range
  • food and alcohol
  • pick-up times.

Make sure you know the address of the venue and contact details of the party host.

Be clear about when to drop your child off and when to pick them up. This will stop children gathering on the street unsupervised.

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