Protect your child from sexual abuse

If someone has harmed your child

You might think your child is lying if they talk about sexual abuse - especially if it involves someone your family trusts.

Children can sometimes make up stories about many things, but they usually don't lie or make up stories about sexual matters.

Take action if a child tells you someone has harmed them. You might be the only person they tell.

If a child tells you someone is harming them, you should:

  • listen to them - don't dismiss or minimise what they say
  • reassure them they are right to tell you
  • stay calm - they might be afraid to say more if you show you are shocked or upset
  • don't ask lots of questions - let them tell you in their own words and at their own pace
  • make sure the child is safe and let them know you will do your best to stop the abuse
  • contact the Child Abuse Hotline on 1800 700 250 for advice on what to do.

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