Road rest stops in NT
If you are driving long distances in the Northern Territory (NT), you should plan to take a break every 2 hours so that you don't become affected by fatigue.
Stuart Highway
Rest stops on the Stuart Highway are included in 4 different route maps.
Darwin to Katherine
Rest stop | Distance | Facilities |
Manton Dam (temporarily closed) | Nearest town south: Katherine (249km) Nearest stop south: Coomalie Creek (21km) Darwin (66km) |
Coomalie Creek | Nearest stop north: Manton Dam (21km) Nearest town south: Katherine (228km) Nearest stop south: Bridge Creek (59km) Darwin (87km) |
Bridge Creek | Nearest stop north: Coomalie Creek (59km) Nearest town south: Katherine (169km) Nearest stop south: King (215km) Darwin (146km) |
Katherine to Tennant Creek
Rest stop | Distance | Facilities |
King | Nearest town north: Katherine (46km) Nearest stop north: Bridge Creek (25km) Nearest town south: Tennant Creek (624km) Nearest stop south: Warloch (96km) Darwin (361km) |
Warloch | Nearest town north: Katherine (142km) Nearest stop north: King (96km) Nearest town south: Tennant Creek (528km) Nearest stop south: Alexander Forrest Memorial (77km) Darwin (457km) |
Alexander Forrest Memorial | Nearest town north: Katherine (219km) Nearest stop north: Warloch (77km) Nearest town south: Tennant Creek (451km) Nearest stop south: Sir Charles Todd Memorial (125km) Darwin (534km) | |
Sir Charles Todd Memorial | Nearest town north: Katherine (344km) Nearest stop north: Alexander Forrest Memorial (125km) Nearest town south: Tennant Creek (326km) Nearest stop south: Newcastle Waters (52km) Darwin (659km) | |
Newcastle Waters | Nearest town north: Katherine (396km) Nearest stop north: Sir Charles Todd Memorial (52km) Nearest town south: Tennant Creek (274km) Nearest stop south: Attack Creek (202km) Darwin (711km) |
Attack Creek | Nearest town north: Katherine (598km) Nearest stop north: Newcastle Waters (202km) Nearest town south: Tennant Creek (72km) Nearest stop south: Reverend John Flynn Memorial (47km) Darwin (913km) |
Rev John Flynn Memorial | Nearest town north: Katherine (645km) Nearest stop north: Attack Creek (47km) Nearest town south: Tennant Creek (25km) Nearest stop south: Bonney Well (114km) Darwin (960km) |
Tennant Creek to Alice Springs
Rest stop | Distance | Facilities |
Bonney Well | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (89km) Nearest stop north: Reverend John Flynn Memorial (114km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (416km) Nearest stop south: Devils Marbles (14km) Darwin (1074km) |
Devils Marbles | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (103km) Nearest stop north: Bonney Well (14km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (402km) Nearest stop south: Taylor Creek (81km) Darwin (1088km) |
Taylor Creek | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (184km) Nearest stop north: Devils Marbles (81km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (321km) Nearest stop south: Teamster Memorial (97km) Darwin (1169km) |
Teamster Memorial | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (281km) Nearest stop north: Taylor Creek (97km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (224km) Nearest stop south: Central Mount Stuart (12km) Darwin (1266km) | |
Central Mount Stuart Historical Reserve | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (293km) Nearest stop north: Teamster Memorial (12km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (157km) Nearest stop south: Prowse Gap (67km) Darwin (1278km) |
Prowse Gap | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (360km) Nearest stop north: Central Mount Stuart Historical Reserve (67km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (145km) Nearest stop south: Ryans Well (22km) Darwin (1345km) |
Ryans Well | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (382km) Nearest stop north: Prowse Gap (22km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (123km) Nearest stop south: Connors Well (31km) Darwin (1367km) | |
Connors Well | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (413km) Nearest stop north: Ryans Well (31km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (92km) Nearest stop south: Warburton Memorial (32km) Darwin (1398km) |
Warburton Memorial | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (445km) Nearest stop north: Connors Well (32km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (60km) Nearest stop south: Tropic of Capricorn (31km) Darwin (1430km) | |
Tropic of Capricorn | Nearest town north: Tennant Creek (476km) Nearest stop north: Warburton Memorial (31km) Nearest town south: Alice Springs (29km) Nearest stop south: Highest Point Marker (9km) Darwin (1461km) |
Alice Springs to the South Australian border
Rest stop | Distance | Facilities |
Mt. Polhill | Nearest town north: Alice Springs (61km) Nearest stop north: Highest Point Marker (81km) Nearest stop south: Cannonball Memorial (37km) Darwin (1551km) |
Cannonball Memorial | Nearest town north: Alice Springs (98km) Nearest stop north: Mt Polhill (37km) Nearest stop south: Finke River (28km) Darwin (1588km) | |
Finke River | Nearest town north: Alice Springs (126km) Nearest stop north: Cannonball Memorial (28km) Nearest stop south: Desert Oaks (42km) Darwin (1616km) |
Desert Oaks | Nearest town north: Alice Springs (167km) Nearest stop north: Finke River (42km) Nearest stop south: South Australia Border (128km) Darwin (1658km) |
NT / SA Border | Nearest town north: Alice Springs (295km) Nearest stop north: Desert Oaks (128km) Darwin (1786km) |
Other highways
The following are rest stops in other highways in the NT.
Barkly Highway
Rest stop | Distance | Facilities |
41 Mile Bore | Threeways (70km) Camooweal (377km) Nearest stop east: Frewena (62km) |
Frewena | Threeways (132km) Camooweal (315km) Nearest stop west: 41 Mile Bore (62km) Nearest stop east: Wonarah Bore (95km) |
Wonarah Bore | Threeways (227km) Camooweal (220km) Nearest stop west: Frewena (95km) Nearest stop east: Soudan Bore (85km) |
Soudan Bore | Threeways (312km) Camooweal (135km) Nearest stop west: Wonarah Bore (85km) Nearest stop east: Avon Downs (65km) |
Avon Downs | Threeways (377km) Camooweal (70km) Nearest stop west: Soudan Bore (65km) Nearest stop east: Queensland Border (57km) |
NT / QLD border | Threeways (434km) Camooweal (13km) Nearest stop west: Avon Downs 57km) |
Victoria Highway
Rest stop | Distance | Facilities |
King West | Katherine (34km) Kununurra (475km) Nearest stop west: Limestone (23km) |
Limestone | Katherine (57km) Kununurra (452km) Nearest stop east: King West (23km) Nearest stop west: Mathison (45km) |
Mathison | Katherine (102km) Kununurra (407km) Nearest stop east: Limestone (45km) Nearest stop west: Noel Buntine Memorial (25km) |
Noel Buntine Memorial | Katherine (127km) Kununurra (382km) Nearest stop east: Mathison (25km) Nearest stop west: Sullivan Campground (50km) | |
Sullivan Campground | Katherine (177km) Kununurra (332km) Nearest stop east: Noel Buntine Memorial (50km) Nearest stop west: Durack Monument (98km) |
Durack Monument | Katherine (275km) Kununurra (232km) Nearest stop east: Sullivan Campground (98km) Nearest stop west: Bradshaw Bridge (19km) | |
Bradshaw Bridge | Katherine (294km) Kununurra (215km) Nearest stop east: Durack Monument (19km) Nearest stop west: Gregory's Cairn (12km) | |
Gregory's Cairn | Katherine (306km) Kununurra (203km) Nearest stop east: Bradshaw Bridge (12km) Nearest stop west: East Baines (37km) | |
East Baines River | Katherine (343km) Kununurra (166km) Nearest stop east: Gregory's Cairn (37km) Nearest stop west: Saddle (58km) |
Saddle | Katherine (401km) Kununurra (108km) Nearest stop east: East Baines (58km) Nearest stop west: Beef Road Monument (59km) |
Beef Road Monument | Katherine (460km) Kununurra (49km) Nearest stop east: Saddle (58km) Nearest stop west: Western Australia border (9km) | |
NT / WA border | Katherine (469km) Kununurra (40km) Nearest stop east: Beef Road Monument (9km) |
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