Technical references for civil, roads industry professionals

This page has technical references to guide industry professionals working on Northern Territory (NT) transport infrastructure.

If you are working on behalf of a developer, you should read the development guidelines PDF (3.4 MB).

Technical policies and specifications

Technical policies provide the technical governance framework for all work performed by developers, tenders and contractors and the government on transport infrastructure.

Get technical policies and specifications on the Department of Logistics and Infrastructure (DLI) website.

Traffic data

Traffic data is often used by designers for traffic modelling and road design.

The annual traffic reports, also known as traffic counts, can be accessed on the DLI website.

These reports include:

  • traffic volumes
  • percentages of vehicle types.

For more information, email or call 08 8999 4449.

Standard drawings

Civil drawings are for NT Government infrastructure projects. You will need to evaluate the material for its suitability for individual projects.

Get civil standard drawings on the DLI website.

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