NT Public Sector / NGO Secondment Program
The NTPS/NGO Secondment Program provides secondment opportunities for Northern Territory (NT) Government staff within non-government organisations (NGOs).
In a secondment, an employee is temporarily transferred from one organisation to another for an agreed period.
The NGO becomes the host employer and takes full responsibility for the employee.
Employees learn new skills and knowledge, while NGOs gain new experiences, ideas and perspectives. The NT Government also benefits from new skills and knowledge.
Time working with an NGO will count towards an employee’s long service leave, parental leave and annual pay increments (and pay progression if relevant) if they return to the NTPS.
Rules and conditions
Rules and conditions apply to employees and NGOs taking part in a secondment.
To find out more, read the program framework.
NT public sector/NGO secondment program framework PDF (269.6 KB)
NT public sector/NGO secondment program framework DOCX (651.9 KB)
How it works
- An NGO submits a vacancy for the program. NTPS employees can ask an NGO to submit a vacancy to the NTPS for consideration.
- The vacancy is assessed for suitability.
- If accepted, the vacancy is published on the government’s intranet.
- Government employees can apply for the position.
- The NGO determines and manages the recruitment process.
- The NGO appoints to the position.
- If a government employee is appointed, they must fill in a secondment approval form with their home agency.
After a secondment
At the end of a secondment, the employee returns to the NTPS.
In some cases, the NGO may offer further employment to the employee.
More information
If you work for government, find out more about secondments or search for a secondment on NTG Central.
If you’re an NGO and have a suitable vacancy for the program, email socialpolicy.cmc@nt.gov.au.
For more information about the program, email socialpolicy.cmc@nt.gov.au.
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