Mental health support for young people

Northern Territory mental health line: 1800 682 288

Agency What they doPhoneWebsite
Headspace An early intervention youth health service based in Darwin for young people between 12 to 25 years old, their family or friends. 1800 659 388 or (08) 8931 5999
Youth beyondblue The Youth Beyondblue site has a number of fact sheets on depression and mental illness as well as other contact numbers and websites. 1300 22 4636
Youth NT Office of Youth Affairs Find youth mental health fact sheets on their website as well as all the latest happenings and events for youth in the Northern Territory. (08) 8999 3862
YMCA Youth in Communities The YMCA Top End provides youth with a program that includes peer mentoring, pre-employment, skill development and pathway programs that builds strength towards better life choices while increasing health, wellbeing, self-esteem and leadership skills.  (08) 8981 8377 
NT Youth Affairs Network Recognises youth services and supports all who engage with young people. (08) 8981 2550  
Moodgym An internet based therapy designed to prevent depression in young people. It has modules, a workbook and an interactive game. 
Cybersmart Is a national cybersafety and cybersecurity education program managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). 
Bullying No Way Is a fun and interactive resource for children, parents and schools designed to tackle bullying.
Enough is enough Anti-bullying program engages students, teachers, and parents to help break the bullying and victim cycle.  (02) 9542 4029 
Bully Blocking Helpful advice and information about blocking bullying. (03) 9525 0555 
VAMP TV Features video, art, and music productions from the NT, many of which comes from remote communities.
KidsMatter A mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and early childhood education and care services, and is proven to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian children. KidsMatter is run in a number of NT schools to promote wellbeing and resilience in primary aged children.
MindMatters A national mental health initiative for secondary schools and uses a whole school approach to mental health promotion by embedding promotion, prevention and early intervention activities for mental health and wellbeing in Australian secondary schools. It is run in a number of schools in the NT. (08) 8394 2140

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