Respite care

Respite care is to relieve full time carers of people who are sick or terminally ill.

For more information contact Territory Palliative Care.

Central Australia

Alice Springs Respite Day Care House is a day centre that provides support and care for people with a chronic disease needing full time care while their carer can take a break.

Respite staff will provide the following:

  • help administer prescribed medication - patients must bring their own medication
  • food and refreshments
  • bathing and showering
  • social support.

You need a referral from your doctor or health service to use the respite house.

For more information call (08) 8951 6762.

Top End

The Hospice is a specialised 12 bed short-stay unit at the Royal Darwin Hospital that has limited ability to provide respite care in the last months of life.

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