
Outpatient pathology location and hours

Territory Pathology provides outpatient services at:

  • Royal Darwin Hospital
  • Palmerston Regional Hospital
  • Alice Springs Hospital.

You can also use your referral form at other pathology services across the Northern Territory, find a service on the Health Direct website.

Royal Darwin Hospital Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 4pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays Located near the main entrance of the Royal Darwin Hospital behind the patient elevators, near MAPU.
Palmerston Regional Hospital Monday to Friday, 8am to 3pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays Located near the main entrance of the Palmerston Regional Hospital at Ambulatory Care.
Alice Springs Hospital Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays Located near the main entrance of the Alice Springs Hospital at the outpatients department.

Related information

Contact Territory Pathology

about Contact Territory Pathology

Inpatient pathology collection hours

about Inpatient pathology collection hours

Pathology referrals and services

about Pathology referrals and services