
Occupational therapy

Occupational therapists within NT hospitals are part of a multidisciplinary team . They provide inpatient care and outpatient clinics.

You can also learn more about accessing adult therapy services and children's therapy services in the community.

The occupational therapist service provides outpatient clinics at both Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) and Palmerston Regional Hospital (PRH).

RDH outpatient clinics include:

PRH outpatient clinics include:

  • hand therapy
  • lymphedema/vascular.

How to arrange a referral

Referrals are to be sent by email.

Only health professionals can refer.


Allied Health
First floor
Royal Darwin Hospital

Phone Darwin: 08 8922 8338
Phone Palmerston: 08 7979 9703

Occupational therapy is available to inpatients and emergency department patients.

Outpatient services are provided for patients requiring follow-up after hospital admission.

The hospital occupational therapist coordinates supply of equipment and splinting as required.

How to arrange a referral

Referrals are to be sent by email.

Health professional referrals are preferred.


Katherine Hospital
Giles Street
Katherine NT 0850

Phone: 08 8973 9211

The occupational therapy team provide inpatient services on a priority basis for patients in the acute wards.

Outpatient clinics include:

  • hand therapy for patients of all ages
  • burns for patients of all ages
  • lymphedema for adult patients
  • goal orientated rehabilitation for adult patients identified in need of treatment.

Outpatient services are available face-to-face and by telehealth to remote patients in Central and Barkley regions.

How to arrange a referral

Your health professional can refer you.

When you are referred, the team will talk to you about your occupational therapy goals and if this service is suitable for you.

Referrals must include the specific speciality required i.e. hand therapist.

Referrals are to be sent by email.


Allied Health building
Alice Springs Hospital
Gap Road 
Alice Springs NT 0870

Phone: 08 8951 7789