
Paediatric feeding clinic

Paediatric feeding clinic provides assessment and intervention for children with complex feeding difficulties.

The team can include:

  • paediatrician
  • dietitians
  • speech pathologists
  • occupational therapists
  • allied health assistants.

Access the service

Referrals can be emailed to the clinic by:

  • medical officers
  • GPs
  • hospital paediatric allied health staff.

Other services may refer, however will be considered at the discretion of the team.


Contact a clinic in your region for more information or to send a referral.

The Paediatric Feeding Clinic at RDPH see's children from 0-10 years, with a focus on early identification and intervention of feeding disorders.

The clinic is located at the Royal Darwin Hospital on level 1 in the Allied Health Department.

Contact the team on 08 8922 8338 or email alliedhealthadmin.doh@nt.gov.au.

The Paediatric Feeding Clinic at ASH offers multidisciplinary care through outpatient paediatrics for children and infants requiring support for feeding assessment, issues and development.

The clinic is located at Alice Springs Hospital.

Contact the team on 08 8951 7777 or email PaedsLiaisonASH.ths@nt.gov.au or PaedsAdmin.OPDASH@nt.gov.au.