
Community social workers

If you or your family need help, social workers can offer emotional support, counselling and guidance.

They can assist you in:

  • managing your health
  • dealing with major life changes
  • becoming more independent.

They work with you and your family to identify your strengths and develop plans for the future.

Social workers can also connect you with useful resources in your community.

How to access

Depending on where you live, you or a health professional such as a GP can refer you to the community social workers.

Your health professional will ask for your consent before referring you.

If you're currently being treated in hospital you can contact the hospital based social workers.

Residents of Darwin, Palmerston and the rural area can access social workers at Community Care Centres in Casuarina or Palmerston.

You can self-refer to the service or a health professional can do it for you.

You must include information about yourself when making a referral, including:

  • your full name and date of birth
  • relevant medical history
  • the reason you're being referred.

You can contact the social workers or send your referrals to:

The Big Rivers team services the Big River region, including:

  • Pine Creek
  • Robinson River
  • Borroloola
  • Numbulwar.

They provide social and emotional health support to anyone over 18 years old.

You can self-refer to the service or a health professional can do it for you.

The service consists of both one-on-one and group programs.

To contact Big Rivers social emotional and wellbeing team call 0460 011 615 or email phcbrr.sewbreferral@nt.gov.au.

The East Arnhem team is based on Groote Eylandt, including:

  • Bickerton Island
  • Alyangula
  • Umbakumba
  • Anguru
  • Nhulunbuy Community Centre.

The service is available to all age groups that identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

You can't self-refer to this service.

The health professional referring you must include:

  • your full name and date of birth
  • relevant medical history
  • the reason you're being referred.

The social workers mostly assist with:

  • domestic violence
  • financial insecurity
  • Centrelink and housing.

Sessions are generally provided one-on-one but if you need family or group sessions they can be arranged.

You can contact the social workers or send referrals to earegionmhaod.tehs@nt.gov.au or call 0457 728 426.

The Top End outreach team service the communities of:

  • Wadeye
  • Palumpa
  • Peppimenarti
  • Nauitu
  • Gunbalunya
  • Minjilang
  • Janiru
  • Pirlangimpi
  • Julanimawu
  • Belyuen
  • Milikipati.

The outreach social and emotional wellbeing team is made up of social workers and psychologists.

You can self-refer to the service or a health professional can refer you.

Health professionals can contact the service for referral forms.

The service offers group, family and individual support counselling and therapeutic intervention.

The team can't assist with:

  • cognitive or developmental assessments or
  • diagnosis of severe mental illness, this is the role of the remote mental health team.

Unless the service is in the community at the time of an emergency, they are unable to provide assistance. However, if needed, they can be contacted for support.

Health professional can send referrals to phccommunitywellbeing.triage@nt.gov.au or call 08 8922 7043.