

Audiology refers to a range of healthcare services that evaluate and manage hearing and balance disorders.

It includes assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals with hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders.

What services can be provided

Audiology provides:

  • hearing assessment using different techniques such as tympanometry, pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry
  • baseline audiology and monitoring
  • tinnitus counselling
  • advisory services for personal hearing amplifiers and assistive listening devices
  • education to other health professions and groups.

The service can also conduct tests to measure the hearing system's electrical activity using methods like:

  • auditory brainstem response
  • electrocochleography
  • auditory steady state response.

Balance can also be assessed and rehabilitation to improve it. The tests can include:

  • videonystagmography
  • calorics
  • vestibular evoked myogenic potentials.

How to access the service

You can access audiology services if you're being treated in hospital or if you've been referred to the service by a health professional.

Remote communities are visited by audiologists through the specialist outreach service.

If you need a hearing assessment you can contact NT Hearing.

In Alice Springs and Tennant Creek the service is provided through NT Hearing, self referrals can be made for these regions.


Contact the service closes to your region.

Top End

For outreach and hospital audiology services in Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine and Gove, contact the Royal Darwin Hospital Allied Health administration on 08 8922 8338.

Referrals can be sent to alliedhealthadmin.doh@nt.gov.au.

Central Australia

For services in hospitals at Tennant Creek and Alice Springs contact Hearing Health on 08 8951 6776.

A referral form should be requested and emailed to nthearingalicesprings.doh@nt.gov.au.