Social housing: assessable income

The below table lists different types of income and whether they are assessable as part of your social housing application.

Income type Payer Description Is it included?
Abstudy Centrelink Assistance provided to Indigenous students and Australian apprentices aged 14 and over. Yes
Abstudy Fares Allowance Centrelink Provided to assist with the cost of travel between an individual's permanent home and place of study if they are required to live away from home to study and receive Abstudy. No
Age Pension and Age Pension (Blind) Centrelink Centrelink makes payment to men and women who have reached retirement age. Eligibility for Age Pension payment is calculated on a sliding scale using date of birth and may be affected by additional income. Some overseas countries also pay an age pension and this can sometimes affect the amount of Centrelink benefit received. Yes
Approved Program of Work Supplement Centrelink Payment to assist people on eligible income support payments with the costs of participating in an approved program of work. No
Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme Centrelink Help for families with students who cannot go to a state school because of geographical isolation, disability or special health needs. No
Attendant Allowance Department of Veterans' Affairs Payable to an eligible veteran to assist with the cost of an attendant to help with such things as feeding, bathing, dressing and other activities of daily living. No
Austudy Centrelink Paid to full time students and Australian apprentices aged 25 years and over. Yes
Austudy Loans Supplement Centrelink See student Start-up Scholarship. The Student Start- up Scholarship is intended to assist students to cover up-front higher education fees including text book and equipment fees. No
Bank Interest - Income paid by financial institutions whilst funds are kept in one of their accounts. Yes
Bereavement Allowance Centrelink, Department of Veterans' Affairs Assistance provided to a partner of recently deceased recipient of a Centrelink/Veterans Affairs benefit to allow for an appropriate longer term income source to be established. Yes
Bereavement Payment Centrelink To assist with settling financial affairs associated with expenses incurred by the deceased prior to death. No
Carer Allowance Centrelink Formerly Domiciliary Nursing Benefit/Child Disability Allowance. Is normally paid in addition to other benefits. Not to be confused with Carer Payment. No
Carer Payment Centrelink Paid by Centrelink to a person who is providing constant care as per Centrelink requirements. *Exemption for third party recipients from 24 November 2003. Yes / No* (see description)
Casual Earnings Centrelink, other Tenant or applicant receives overtime from their employer on a regular basis. This may include overtime, if applicable. Yes
CDP Participant Supplement (CPS) & Supplementary Benefits (Add-ons) - Provides additional assistance to Community Development Programme (CDP) participants for work related expenses and can be paid in addition to CDP wages. No
Child Care Subsidy Centrelink Assists with the cost of child care. The percentage of child care costs subsidised varies depending on family income and the number of hours the carer and their partner work or study. No
Child Disability Allowance/ Assistance payment Centrelink An annual payment to assist parents with the costs of caring for a child with a disability. No
Child Support / Child Maintenance - paid by client - Money paid by the applicant/tenant to the other parent who has custody of the child. Proof must be supplied that payments are being made. Total income amount will be reduced by maintenance payment amount when assessing eligibility and rental rebate. No
Child Support / Child Maintenance - received by applicant/tenant Centrelink, other Money paid by the other parent to the applicant/tenant who has custody of the child. Yes
Clean Energy Supplement Centrelink Refer to 'energy supplement' No
Clothing Allowance Department of Veterans' Affairs Payable to an eligible veteran to help offset the cost of modifications, or for wear and tear and damage, to clothing resulting from war or defence caused disabilities, or the treatment of those disabilities. No
Clothing Allowance Employers To purchase and maintain Personal Protective Equipment for employment related purposes. No
Community Development Programme (CDP) payments - Assists job seekers living in remote areas of Australia help their community and gain skills while looking for work. Yes
Compensation Insurer, Department of Veterans' Affairs, other Payment made to compensate for a financial or physical impact to a client. See Lump Sum Compensation. Yes
Crisis or Disaster Recovery Payment Centrelink A one off payment to help people who are experiencing difficult or extreme circumstances. No
Dad and Partner Pay Centrelink Provides up to 2 weeks government funded pay to dads or partners caring for a newborn or recently adopted child. Yes
Decoration Allowance Department of Veterans' Affairs Decoration Allowance is payable to a veteran who is paid disability pension and who received an eligible decoration awarded for gallantry. No
Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA) Department of Veterans' Affairs An allowance paid to those members who qualify for a Centrelink benefit, but do not receive the full amount of the benefit because they, or their partner, is in receipt of an adjusted disability pension. The DFISA 'tops up' the recipient's payment to the amount they would normally be entitled to under current Centrelink guidelines. Yes
Defence Forces Reserve Pay Department of Defence Wages received for service in the Reserve Defence Forces. Yes
Disability Component of Overseas War Pensions Department of Veterans' Affairs Paid as part of a Pension received for service during a war. Any disability component, if listed separately is exempt. All countries that pay this benefit are included in this exemption. No
Disability Pension or Allowance Component of Veterans Affairs Pension Department of Veterans' Affairs Non-taxable compensation paid for injuries caused or aggravated by war service. Depending on recipient's ability to work and age, may be paid at general rate, special or intermediate rates, or extreme disability adjustment rates No
Disability Support Pension Centrelink Paid to persons with a physical, intellectual or psychiatric impairment that results in the inability to work for at least the next 2 years or partake in any educational/vocational training which would equip them to work. Yes
Double Orphan Pension Centrelink Assistance paid to someone who has a double orphan in their care at least 35% of the time. Yes
Economic Support Payment Centrelink An extra payment as part of the Government's Coronavirus (COVID-19) stimulus. No
Education/ Employment Entry payment Centrelink Lump sum taxable payment. No
Energy Assistance Payment Centrelink Once-off payment for eligible welfare recipients to assist with the cost of electricity or other cost of living expenses. No
Energy Supplement Centrelink Provides assistance with household expenses, including energy costs to pensioners and income support recipients, Family Tax Benefit recipients, and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders. No
Energy Supplement Department of Veterans' Affairs An ongoing, regular payment designed to help recipients meet the cost of living impact of the carbon price.
F-111 Fuel Tank Lump Sum Payment Department of Veterans' Affairs A one off lump sum payment made to persons (military, public servants and civilian contractors) who spent significant periods of time inside the fuel tanks, exposing themselves to greater concentrations of the chemicals used in the unseal/reseal process. Income derived from the investment of this payment is used in the calculation of eligibility and rental rebates. No
Family Tax Benefit Part A (including lump sum payments) Centrelink Provided to help with the cost of raising children. May be taken as a lump sum if unsure about providing an estimate of income. Yes
Family Tax Benefit Part A Supplement Centrelink Provided to help with the cost of raising children. No
Family Tax Benefit Part B and Family Tax Benefit Part B Supplement Centrelink Provided to single income families with children. No
Fares Allowance Centrelink Payment to tertiary students to cover the cost of traveling between their permanent home and their education institution. No
Farm Household Allowance Centrelink Provides eligible farmers and their partners who are experiencing financial hardship with assistance and support to improve their long-term financial situation. Replaced the Interim Farm Household Allowance on 1 July 2014. Yes
Foster Child Allowances Northern Territory Government Payments made to caregivers of foster children. No
Fringe Benefit Employer A benefit provided by an employer in respect of employment and may include car repayments or payment of school fees. Fringe benefits are usually substituted for cash salary and wages Yes
Funeral Benefit Department of Veterans' Affairs A one-off payment made to assist in covering the funeral costs of veterans and, in some cases, their dependants. No
GST Supplement or Component Centrelink Additional benefit paid fortnightly as part of the basic rate of pension paid to compensate for the introduction of the GST. No
Income Support Supplement Department of Veterans' Affairs Assistance paid to widows and widowers or service personnel of limited means in addition to the service pension. Yes
Investments or Lump Sum Investments - The lump sum payment itself is not assessed as income, but may be assessed as an asset for eligibility. Any income from the investment is assessable. No
Jobs, Education and Training (JET) Child Care Fee Assistance Centrelink Provides extra help with the cost of approved child care to eligible parents undertaking activities such as work, job search activities, training or study as part of a Job Plan or Participation Plan, to help them re-enter the workforce. No
JobSeeker Payment Centrelink Payment to assist people temporarily unable to support themselves through work. JobSeeker Payment commences from 20 March 2020 unless otherwise stated and replaces Newstart Allowance, Sickness Allowance (closes to new entrants on 20 March 2020 and ceases 20 September 2020), Wife Pension, Partner Allowance (ceases 1 January 2022), Bereavement Allowance, Widow B Pension, and Widow Allowance (closes to new entrants on 1 July 2018 and ceases on 1 January 2022). Yes
Jury Service/ Attendance Northern Territory Government One off or short term payment for jury service/attendance. No
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Supplement Centrelink A short term supplement for training to overcome barriers in gaining employment for those in the Skills for Education and Employment program. No
Local Government Elected Members Allowance Local Government A payment made to an elected member of a local government authority for a special purpose or to reimburse them for an incurred expense. No
Local Government Elected Members Payment Local Government A payment made to an elected member of a local government authority for the carrying out of their normal duties. Yes
Long Service Leave Employer A period of paid leave granted to employees in recognition of a long period of service to an employer. Yes
Loss of Earnings Allowance Department of Veterans' Affairs Loss of earnings allowance compensates an eligible veteran for salary, wages or earnings lost due to absence from work. Yes
Lump Sum Advance Payments from Centrelink / Department of Veterans' Affairs Centrelink, Department of Veterans' Affairs Advance payment of Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs payments. Inclusion/exclusion in income calculation will depend on how the type of payment is normally dealt with. This will be treated as if it were paid fortnightly. See description
Lump Sum Compensation Payments Redundancy payments for loss of employment including Targeted Voluntary Separation Payments. The total amount of the payment is excluded for rent and other assessment. While the lump sum payment itself is not assessable; any income from the investment of that lump sum is assessable. No
Lump Sum Compensation Payments Lump sum payments paid by instalments will be assessed as income. If this income is less than the Centrelink benefit that would normally be received, the income will be based on the relevant Centrelink benefit. Yes
Maternity Immunisation Allowance Centrelink A non-means tested payment to encourage parents to have their children fully vaccinated, where appropriate. No
Mobility Allowance Centrelink Paid to people with disabilities who are undertaking volunteer work, paid work or training, or a combination, and who cannot use public transport without assistance. No
Multiple Birth Allowance Centrelink Paid to a parent or guardian who has three or more children born during the same birth and who are aged under six years old. Yes
National Disability Insurance Scheme Support package Provides funding for long-term, individualised care and support that is reasonable and necessary to meet the needs of people with permanent disability. No
National Green Corps Supplement Ministry of Environment An environmental work experience and training program specifically for eligible young Australians aged 17 to 24. Yes
National Redress Scheme Payment National Redress Scheme A specific payment received from the National Redress Scheme for survivors of institutional child sexual abuse. No
Newborn Upfront Payment / Supplement Centrelink A lump sum payment when a person has a baby or adopts a child. No
Newstart Allowance Centrelink Payment made to unemployed people over 21 years of age who are actively looking for work Yes
Overseas (Foreign) Pensions / Payments / Income - A payment from an overseas source on a regular basis. These payments may be received in addition to any Centrelink benefit being paid. Not all payments received from an overseas source affect the amount of Centrelink benefit paid. Yes
Parental Leave Pay/ Paid Parental Leave Centrelink, employer Financial support for up to 18 weeks to help working parents care for a newborn or recently adopted child. May be paid from Centrelink, or from an employer. Yes
Parenting Payment Centrelink Payment to low income and single parent families to ensure an independent income. Yes
Partner Allowance Centrelink Payment to the partner of a person receiving Centrelink/Department of Veterans' Affairs pension or allowance born before 1 July 1955 with limited workforce experience. Intended to provide adequate income. New grants of Partner Allowance stopped on 20 September 2003. Clients who were receiving Partner Allowance before that date, can keep receiving it as long as they still qualify. Yes
Pension Bonus Scheme Centrelink The Pension Bonus Scheme was introduced on 1 July 1998. Eligible older Australians who are registered in the Pension Bonus Scheme and who defer claiming the Age Pension and instead remain in the workforce, may receive a tax-free lump sum when they eventually claim and receive the Age Pension. No
Pension Loan Scheme Centrelink Allows Aged, Disability, Parenting, Widow B Pensioners and recipients of Carer payment, Bereavement or Rehabilitation Allowance to access capital tied up in real estate. No
Pension Supplement Centrelink Paid as part of certain regular fortnightly income support payments to help eligible people meet the costs of daily household and living expenses. In 2009, several supplements were rolled into a single supplement payment. No
Pensioner Education Supplement Centrelink Paid to recipients of some Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs pensions. Recipient must be enrolled in a minimum of 25% of a full time study load. No
Pharmaceutical Allowance Centrelink To help some income support and other allowance recipients with the cost of pharmaceutical prescriptions. No
Prisoner of War Payment Department of Veterans' Affairs An ex-gratia lump sum payment made to those Australian servicemen (or their widows) who were a prisoner of war during World War II or the Korean War. Income derived from the investment of this payment is used in the calculation of eligibility and rental rebates. No
Real Estate and Business Income - Income received from a business investment or real estate asset, such as for leasing or rent. Yes
Recreation Transport Allowance Department of Veterans' Affairs Payable to veterans suffering from severe war or defence caused disabilities that affect mobility. Paid to help their access to recreational activities. No
Remote Area Allowance Centrelink Additional assistance for social security recipients in remote areas to compensate for zone tax benefits and to contribute towards the cost of living in remote areas. Yes
Rent Assistance Centrelink Payment to low income earners paying rent above a threshold in the private sector. Not payable to public housing tenants but is payable in some circumstance to subtenants of public housing tenants. Public housing applicants/tenants will be requested to contact Centrelink and have the payment stopped. Included for bond assistance only. No (for public housing) / Yes (for bond assistance)
Royalties - Payments to traditional owners of land for the commercial use of that land. Yes
Royalties - paid by Indigenous Communities to the department as tenant rent - Royalty paid as tenant is unable to live in community due to health, education etc. and gain the benefit of the royalties on improvements in the community. Rent is paid directly by the community organisation and not to the tenant. Yes
Salaries Employer Payments for full/part time, casual or contractual employment. This will include overtime, if applicable. Also called Wages. Yes
Salary Sacrifice Employer An arrangement between an employer and an employee, where the employee agrees to forgo part of their future entitlement to salary or wages in return for the employer providing them with benefits of a similar value. A salary sacrifice is a substitution for salary and wages. Yes
Service Pension (War) Department of Veterans' Affairs Pension paid to veterans or their partners due to age or invalidity. Yes
Sickness Allowance Centrelink Assistance provided to employed people who are temporarily unable to work due to a medical condition. Yes
Single Income Family Supplement Centrelink This supplement recognizes that, unlike dual income families at similar household income levels, single income families would receive little or no assistance through tax changes. No
Special Benefit Centrelink Assistance to people unable to receive Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs benefits who are in severe financial hardship. Intended as general income support rather a special purpose benefit. Yes
Stillborn Baby Payment Centrelink Lump sum payment to provide assistance with the extra costs associated with a stillborn child. No
Student Start-up Loan Centrelink The Student Start-up Loan is intended to assist students to cover up-front higher education fees including text book and equipment fees, previously Austudy or Abstudy loans. No
Superannuation - Pension paid from a superannuation fund, consisting of contributions made regularly by an individual's employer during their working history. Yes
Telephone Allowance Centrelink Helps with the costs of maintaining a telephone and a home internet service for people who receive certain income support payments. No
Territories Stolen Generation Redress scheme National Redress Scheme A specific payment received by those who are considered the stolen generation. No
Tertiary Access Payment Centrelink Payment which helps students with the cost of moving from outer regional or remote arears for tertiary study. No
Utilities Allowance Centrelink Quarterly payment to assist with meeting the cost of utilities bills. No
Vehicle Assistance Scheme Payments Department of Veterans' Affairs Provides financial assistance to enable a veteran to purchase a new or replacement motor vehicle. Also provides assistance towards running and maintenance and vehicle modifications. No
Veterans' Children Education Scheme Department of Veterans' Affairs Scheme provide financial assistance to eligible students up to 25 years of age. No
Wages Employer Payments for full/part time, casual or contractual employment. This will include overtime, if applicable. Also called Salaries. Yes
War Widows and Orphans Pension Department of Veterans' Affairs Non-taxable pension paid to widowed partners and dependants of veterans who have died as a result of war or defence service. May be payable in addition to other Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs pensions/benefits. Yes
Widow Allowance Centrelink Payment to women born on or before 1 July 1955, with no recent workforce experience who become widowed, divorced or separated since turning 40. Yes
Widow B Pension Centrelink Payment to women whose partner has died and who are not eligible for the Parenting Payment. Is being phased out and no new pensions have been granted since 20 March 1997. No new Widow B Pensions have been granted since 20 March 1997, but current recipients may continue to receive payments. Yes
Wife Pension Centrelink New grants of Wife Pension stopped on 1 July 1995. Recipients receiving the pension before that date can keep receiving it as long as they remain eligible or until they transfer to Age Pension. Yes
Work for the Dole Payments Centrelink Payment made in addition to some Centrelink benefits where the applicant is participating in a Work for the Dole employment scheme. See also CDP Participant Supplement (CPS) & Supplementary Benefits (Add-ons) Yes
Youth Allowance Centrelink Payment to young individuals up to 25 years of age who are studying fulltime, undertaking training or looking for work. Payments to singles are made at either an independent (living away from home) or dependant (living at home) rate. Yes
Youth Disability Supplement Centrelink Paid to Youth Allowance recipients who have been assessed as having partial capacity to work. Yes

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