Property valuations

Every 3 years, property owners in the Northern Territory (NT) receive a notice of valuation for their property from the Valuer-General.

This notice states the unimproved capital value (UCV) of the property as determined by the Valuer-General.

Valuations are dated 1 July in the year the valuation work is carried out.

The Valuer-General's valuation is different from the property valuation you may get if you want to buy or sell property.

If you want a valuation to buy or sell your property, you should contact a certified practising valuer.

For more information, go to the Australian Property Institute website or the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors website.

You can also read more about the Valuation of Land Act 1963.

Unimproved capital value

The UCV is the amount your land alone would be expected to sell for without any above ground improvements.

Improvements can be your home, shed, pool, carport or other structures on your land.

How is the UCV calculated

The Valuer-General looks at the property market, recording and analysing sales in the relevant local area to determine how much the land alone would be worth.

The UCV considers similar sales in the market, trends, supply and demand and the land's current use and zoning.

What a UCV valuation can be used for

Local governments and rating authorities use your UCV valuation to calculate your rates and charges.

Each government or rating authority decides how these rates and charges are applied to land in their area. The Valuer-General is not involved in this process.

When your property is valued

You will receive a notice of valuation in the mail informing you what the current UCV is for your property.

You don't need to make a payment or take any action.

The Valuer-General also provides the UCV valuation information to the local government or rating authority.

Get your notice by email

To get your next notice by email instead of mail, go to the valuations online portal.

You will need your notice of valuation and a current email address to register.

If information on the notice is incorrect

If any contact information on the notice of valuation is incorrect, update your information through the valuations online portal.

If any other information is incorrect, contact the Valuation Services unit.

You must provide:

  • your valuation reference - this is at the top of the notice of valuation
  • a description of the land and the valuing year - also on the notice of valuation
  • the information you think is incorrect
  • the correct information.

If you disagree with a valuation

You can lodge an objection with the Valuer-General within 30 days of the date of issue of the notice of valuation if you disagree with your valuation.

Before lodging an objection, you should contact the Valuer-General to discuss your concern.

If the matter can't be resolved, the Valuer-General will send you an objection form.

You must complete and submit the form to the Valuer-General by the last date to object printed on your notice.

If you want to object to more than one UCV valuation, you must complete and submit a separate form for each property.

The Valuer-General will consider the objection in accordance with the Valuation of Land Act 1963 and let you know the decision.

If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal to the Valuation Board of Review Panel within 30 days of the Valuer-General's decision.

Get previous UCVs

To find out about previous UCVs for your property, email

You can also do a search for a land title at the Land Titles Office.

Planned revaluations in the NT

The following revaluation programs are scheduled over the next 3 years.

  • 2023 - Darwin municipality, Palmerston municipality, Darwin Waterfront Precinct and the Northern Territory Rates Act area will be valued as at 1 July 2023.
  • 2024 - Alice Springs municipality, Litchfield municipality, the nine regional councils including Tennant Creek, and all pastoral properties will be valued as at 1 July 2024.
  • 2025 - Katherine municipality, Coomalie Shire and Wagait Shire will be valued as at 1 July 2025.


For more information on property valuations, contact the Valuations Services unit by mail, email or phone.

Valuation Services
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment
GPO Box 1680
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8995 5375

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