Laramba Water Treatment Plant officially opened
The Laramba Water Treatment Plant was officially opened on the 26 April 2023.
Water quality in a Central Australian community has improved following the installation of a water treatment plant.
This project is funded by the Territory Government’s $28 million commitment to address critical water supply infrastructure needs in remote Aboriginal communities that are experiencing water quality and security stress. Of that, $6.8 million was committed to water quality improvement in Laramba.
With a capacity of 360 kilolitres per day, the plant uses proven ion-exchange technology to treat the drinking water and reduce naturally occurring uranium to well below Australian Drinking Water Guideline (ADWG) Levels. The ADWG level for uranium is 0.02 milligram per litre (mg/L).
At Laramba, naturally occurring levels of uranium in the water levels historically range between 0.029 mg/L – 0.055 mg/L. Testing of the treated water through the Laramba plant indicates that uranium levels after treatment are almost undetectable at < 0.001 mg/L.