Rules for fishing in specific areas


There are special areas where recreational fishing controls apply in the Northern Territory (NT) and you can be fined if you don't follow the rules in these areas.

You must follow rules when fishing in Kakadu National Park, aquatic life reserves and management zones.

There may be fishing gear guidelines and possession limits you will also need to follow.

Recreational fishers and fishing tour operators are not allowed to fish in reef fish protection areas.

There are also rules you must follow when recreational fishing on Aboriginal land.

Aquatic life reserves in Darwin

You must follow recreational fishing restrictions at aquatic life reserves in Darwin.

Below are maps and information about reserves where restrictions apply.

Stokes Hill Wharf map

Doctors Gully

Doctors Gully is a tourist destination where fish gather at high tide to be hand fed.

You are not allowed to fish in the Doctors Gully reserve area, which extends several hundred metres out to sea.

You must not take, injure, destroy or possess fish or aquatic life in this area.

Map of the Doctors Gully Aquatic Life Reserve

The map of the Doctors Gully aquatic life reserve is a general guide only.

East Point

The East Point reserve stops the taking of small aquatic life to preserve and protect the reef.

You must not take, injure or destroy stationary organisms such as corals, or fish less than 30 cm long.

You are allowed to use a rod, hand line, line, hooks, and lures to fish in East Point reserve. Any fish less than 30 cm long must be returned to the water as soon as possible after it has been caught, with as little damage as possible.

Map of the East Point Aquatic Life Reserve

The map of the East Point aquatic life reserve is a general guide only.

Stokes Hill Wharf

You must fish only in certain areas of Stokes Hill Wharf and from the shore. Signs at the wharf tell you where you can and can't fish.

You must not fish in the water around the public eatery areas or from the end of the wharf.

Fishing in Kakadu National Park

Recreational fishing is allowed only in certain areas of Kakadu National Park and there are rules about the fishing gear and methods you may use.

Possession limits

You may only possess three barramundi up to 90 cm, with one barramundi over 90 cm per boat.

Fishing gear you can use

You can use only a rod and reel or a hand line with a single hook or lure at Kakadu National Park.

Landing nets may be used only for landing fish.

Fishing gear you can't use

Nets, traps and pots used for recreational fishing outside the park may onlt be transported into or through Kakadu National Park along Oenpelli Road, Old Jim Jim Road, the Arnhem and Kakadu highways and the South and East Alligator rivers downstream of boat access .

You must not use them and they must be stowed at all times.

You may not possess or use nets, firearms, spears, traps or any other device designed for taking an animal or fish.

You are not allowed to use set lines.

Fishing methods not allowed

You must not use a live animal, including fish, as bait at Kakadu National Park.

You must not clean fish within 50m of a water body unless using a fish cleaning facility.

You must not take crabs as all crabs are protected.

Restricted waterways

There are some restricted waterways in Kakadu National Park.

You must not take your boat or fish between the part of the South Alligator River known as 'the forks' or 'the rapids', about 24km upstream of the bridge on the Arnhem Highway and 2km north of Fisherman's Gully on Yellow Water.

You must not boat or fish on the West Alligator River.

You may boat and fish on Sandy Billabong and Jim Jim Billabong but all other waterways upstream of the Kakadu Highway are closed to boating and fishing.

For more information about fishing and boating in Kakadu go to the Parks Australia website.

Daly River Fish Management Zone

You must follow all the rules for recreational fishing in the Daly River Fish Management Zone - see the coloured area on the map below.

You don't need a permit to enter this area, but you must follow the guidelines for entering Aboriginal lands and waters to respect the culture of the traditional owners.

Possession limits for fish

You must follow all of these possession limits:

  • maximum size limit of 90cm for barramundi, overall length
  • maximum size limit of 90cm for king threadfin, fork length
  • maximum of three barramundi per person
  • minimum size limit of 55cm for barramundi, overall length
  • vessel limit of one barramundi over 90cm, overall length
  • maximum of three king threadfin per person
  • vessel limit of one king threadfin over 90cm, fork length.

Read about how to measure fish and rules for keeping your catch.

Reduced possession limits for crustaceans

You must follow these special possession limits for crustaceans:

  • combined personal possession limit of 30 freshwater crustaceans, including a maximum personal possession limit of 10 cherabin
  • total combined vessel limit of 90 freshwater crustaceans, including a maximum vessel possession limit of 30 cherabin when there are three or more people on board.

You must release female freshwater crustaceans with a cluster of eggs under the abdomen. Females with eggs are said to be 'berried'.

Seasonal closure

Between 1 October and 31 January you must not fish, have a barramundi or a fishing line with a hook, lure or bait attached in the Daly River seasonal closure area - see the coloured area on the map below.

Daly River Map

Freshwater pots and dillies

Read the rules about pots and dillies you may use in the Daly River Fish Management Zone.

Mary River Fish Management Zone

You must follow all the special rules for recreational fishing in the Mary River Fish Management Zone.

Possession limits for fish

You must follow all of these possession limits:

  • maximum size limit of 90cm for barramundi, overall length
  • maximum size limit of 90cm for king threadfin, fork length
  • maximum of three barramundi per person
  • minimum size limit of 55cm for barramundi, overall length
  • vessel limit of one barramundi over 90cm, overall length
  • maximum of three king threadfin per person
  • vessel limit of one king threadfin over 90cm, fork length.

Fishing gear that is not allowed

You must not use or have a cast net or drag net in this area.

Shady Camp barrage

When fishing within a 100m radius of the barrage wall at Shady Camp billabong you must use only a lure or fly with a single point hook.

Bait fishing and the use of double or treble hooks is banned in this area.

Mary River system map