Ramps, wharves and moorings

Cyclone plan for wharves and moorings

A cyclone plan sets out roles and responsibilities for managing harbour infrastructure, vessels in the harbour and staff during a cyclone event.

All users of port areas must follow a cyclone plan to:

  • minimise risk to life and property
  • minimise risk and damage to infrastructures
  • make an effective contribution to a cyclone emergency response.

Darwin Port areas

The cyclone plan you must follow during a cyclone event depends on where your vessel is located.

Frances Bay Mooring Basin (Duck Pond)

For vessels in the Duck Pond, vessel owners must follow the Frances Bay facilities’ cyclone procedure plan 2021-2022 PDF (557.9 KB).

This includes all vessels in the following facilities:

  • Frances Bay Mooring Basin
  • Fisherman's and Raptis wharves
  • Hornibrooks Wharf - including pontoon and careening poles
  • Sadgroves Creek Moorings.

The plan will be activated by the general manager operations of Darwin Port and the harbour control officer.

Their directions to vessel masters, crew and port operators will take priority over other cyclone plans.

Other areas

For the rest of the Darwin Port areas outside the Frances Bay area, read the cyclone plan from the Darwin Port website.

Areas outside Darwin Port

If you’re outside the Darwin Port, you must have your own cyclone plan.

You should also refer to the Darwin Port cyclone plan on the Darwin Port website.

The directions and emergency contacts in the plan apply to you whether you’re in the Darwin Port boundary or not.

Darwin Port limits

The red lines on the map below outline the Darwin Port boundary.

Everything in the boundary is under the Darwin Port jurisdiction and is their responsibility.

Darwin port boundaries


For more information, read contacts for mariners.

Find a boat ramp

There are numerous boat ramps available for public recreational use across Northern Territory (NT).

Before you use a boat ramp, you should check its status for any safety messages or warnings.

Changes to boat ramp access

East Arm

Seasonal changes

The outer section of the pontoon between piers 4 and 5 will be taken out from December 14, 2023, until around April/May 2024, depending on weather conditions and suitable tides.

The shortened pontoon will remain available for use for pontoon-assisted boat launches at the ramp on tides over 3.6 metres during the wet season period.

The pontoon is shortened seasonally to protect it from extreme weather events in the Top End during this time of year.

Daly River

Works have been completed at the boat ramp.

The ramp has reopened for public use.

Big Horse Creek

Works have been completed at the boat ramp.

The ramp has reopened for public use.


Using a boat ramp can be hazardous.

To protect yourself, take the following precautions:

  • Take care when launching and retrieving your boat.
  • Use caution on boat ramps as they may be slippery.
  • Look for build-up of green mould on the ramps and avoid them.
  • Be Crocwise - crocodiles live in most NT waters and can attack suddenly.
  • Look for marine stingers as they may also be found at boat ramps.

If you notice a hazard, you must report it by:

Locations of boat ramps

The tidal access information below are estimates only. It can change due to environmental conditions.

For all ramps owned by the NT Government, call 08 8924 7100.

Map view

Below is an interactive map to help you find a boat ramp.

View the public boat ramps in the NT as a larger map.

List view

Below is a list of all boat ramps and their statuses.

RampLocation Tidal access Status / Warning Owner / Contact
Dinah Beach ramp Approximately 3km from central Darwin on Frances Bay Drive 2.5m - NT Government
East Arm ramp Casey Street East Arm Above 2.5m Shortened pontoon but still in use. NT Government
Doyles ramp (Darwin Ski Club) End of Conacher Street adjacent to the Ski Club on the foreshores of Fannie Bay approximately 4km from central Darwin Above 2.5m - Darwin City Council
08 8930 0300
Nightcliff ramp Corner of Banksia Street and Casuarina Drive, Nightcliff, approximately 2km from Nightcliff Shopping Centre Above 2.5m - Darwin City Council
08 8930 0300
Palmerston ramp Adjacent to Elizabeth River Bridge on the Palmerston side, approximately 9km from Stuart Highway via University Avenue Most tides - NT Government
Channel Island ramp Approximately 25km west of Palmerston, across Elizabeth River Bridge Most tides - NT Government
Middle Arm ramp End of Middle Arm Road approximately 15km from Cox Peninsula Road Most tides but may be difficult at low water - NT Government
Buffalo Creek ramp Approximately 2km from signpost on Lee Point Road - Buffalo Creek provides access to Shoal Bay. All tides at ramp No access through Buffalo Creek mouth below 4m. Darwin City Council
08 8930 0300
Leaders Creek ramp The turn-off to the Leaders Creek ramp is approximately 44km along Gunn Point Road off Howard Springs Road - turn right at the signpost. Parts of the road may be badly corrugated. Above 2m - NT Government
Saltwater Arm ramp The turn off to Saltwater Arm boat ramp is 2km before the Leaders Creek ramp Above 2m - NT Government
Adelaide River ramp Next to Adelaide River Bridge on the Arnhem Highway Most tides but difficulties may be encountered on extremely low water - NT Government
Corroboree Billabong ramp Corroboree ramp, turn left 1km east of Corroboree Park tavern and follow the signs No tidal influence - NT Government
Rock Hole ramp Turn left off Point Stuart Road No tidal influence - NT Government
Mary River ramp Upstream of Mary River Bridge on the Arnhem Highway No tidal influence - NT Government
Shady Camp ramps Upstream and downstream of Shady Camp barrage No tidal influence on freshwater side, seasonal on saltwater side, generally half tide upwards - NT Government
South Alligator ramp Downstream of the South Alligator bridge on the Arnhem Highway Varies, generally half tide upwards - -
East Alligator ramps Upstream and downstream of Cahills Crossing Varies, generally half tide upwards - -
Dundee Beach ramp Native Point Dundee Lodge The ramp is accessible at tides above 2.8m. Sediment build-up at the ramp can occur and maintenance is ongoing.
Ramp users should check on current conditions.
NT Government
Finniss River ramp Hardcastle Road No tidal influence - NT Government
Milne Inlet ramp Milne Road Bynoe Harbour Above 3m - NT Government
Six Pack Creek ramp Bynoe Harbour Above 2.5m - NT Government
Channel Point ramp Permit required. Read about permits for Channel Point. Above 3.5m - -
Daly River ramp Wooliana Road Most tides - NT Government
Hardies Billabong ramp Turn off Arnhem Highway No tidal influence - NT Government
Mandorah ramp Next to Mandorah Jetty. Charles Point Road Above 2m - NT Government
Southport ramp Blackmore River. Signposted turn off from Cox Peninsula Road. Above 3.5m - Litchfield Shire Council
08 8983 0600

RampLocation Tidal access Owner / Contact
Big Horse Creek ramp Victoria Highway, 10kms from Timber Creek Roadhouse Difficult to predict in this area NT Government
Katherine River ramp Town of Katherine. Underneath Stuart Highway. Access via Oshea Terrace No tidal influence NT Government

Ramp Tidal access
Sea Swift Community boat ramp Above 1.5m
Gove Yacht Club ramp Mid-tide upwards

For boats ramps across East Arnhem Land, go to the East Arnhem Land website.

RampLocation Tidal access Owner / Contact
Roper Bar ramp Roper Bar Crossing Roper Highway Above 2.5m NT Government
Tomato Island ramp Roper Highway Above 2.5m NT Government
No. 1 landing ramp Roper River mouth Above 2m NT Government
Borroloola Town ramp Borroloola Town Above 3.5m NT Government
Rocky Creek ramp Rocky Creek Above 3.5m NT Government
Mule Creek ramp Mule Creek Above 2.5m NT Government
King Ash Bay ramp King Ash Bay Mid tide and upwards NT Government

RampLocation Tidal accessOwner / Contact
Black Point Ranger Station ramp Cobourg Peninsula Most tidesNT Government

RampLocation Tidal accessOwner / Contact
Alyangula ramp Whart Road, Alyangula Most tidesGroote Eylandt Mining Company

Marinas and mooring providers

The below information is provided as a guide only.

Do your own research before you book a mooring or marina berth.

If you are arriving by sea, read the rules about Darwin Port arrival information for non-commercial vessels.

For cruise and large passenger vessels information, go to the Department of Health website.

Darwin marinas

Marina nameWebPhoneEmail
Tipperary Waters tipperarywatersmarina.com.au Lockmaster 0407 075 077lockmaster@tipperarywatersmarina.com.au
Bayview Marina bayviewmarina.com.au Lockmaster 0477 661 130 lockmaster@bayviewmarina.com.au
Frances Bay Mooring Basin  08 8922 0617smallships.scheduler@nt.gov.au
Cullen Bay Marina   Lockmaster 0419 421 363admin@cullenbaymarina.com.au

Hard stand facilities

In addition to marinas, the following business may be able to offer hard stand for arriving vessels.

Dinah Beach Cruising Yacht Association Inc. dbcya.com.au General manager 0499 346 242cruising@dbcya.com.au
Northern Territory Marine Facility ntmf.com.au08 8942 3283admin@ntmf.com.au
Spot on Marine spotonmarine.com.au08 8981 7244seasbc@bigpond.com
The Darwin Sailing Club Inc. darwinsailingclub.com.au08 8981 1700admin@dwnsail.com.au