
Student Wellbeing Officer (SWO) pilot

Student Wellbeing and Inclusion Programs and Services (SWIPS) is supporting schools to pilot full-time employment of Student Wellbeing Officers (SWOs) in some schools across the Northern Territory.

Learn more about the function of SWOs.

About the pilot

SWOs are being piloted in 2 phases.

Following the conclusion of the pilot, SWIPS will undertake an evaluation of the program and how schools could consider the upscale of employment of officers.

Phase 1

RegionSemester 2, 2024
Darwin region
  • Darwin Middle School (Be You Partner School)
  • Darwin High School
  • Casuarina Senior College
  • Nightcliff Middle School (Be You Partner School)
  • Sanderson Middle School (Be You Partner School)
  • Taminmin College (Be You Partner School)
  • Tennant Creek High (Be You School)
Central Australia
  • Centralian Senior College (Be You Partner School)
  • Centralian Middle School

Phase 2

RegionSemester 1, 2025
Darwin region
  • Dripstone Middle School
  • Palmerston College
East Arnhem
  • Nhulunbuy High School
  • Shepherdson College
Big Rivers
  • Katherine High School