Financial help for school leavers
This page has information on financial help for school leavers to study at a university or undertake an apprenticeship, traineeship or vocational education and training (VET).
If you study at university or with an approved higher education provider you will be offered one of the following:
- commonwealth supported place where the Australian Government pays for part of your costs
- a full fee paying place.
You may be entitled to help with the fees and study costs.
Go to the Australian Government's Study Assist website for more information on financial help for university.
You may also be eligible for the Tertiary fares reimbursement scheme.
Vocational education and training (VET)
You may apply for help with VET costs from any of the following:
- Northern Territory Government through a training entitlement
- Australian Government.
Go to the Study Assist website for more for more information about Australian Government financial help with VET studies.
Apprenticeships and traineeships
You may be eligible for help with your apprenticeship or traineeship from the Northern Territory Government and the Australian Government.
Read more about apprenticeships in the Northern Territory.
Go to the Australian Apprentice website for more information on financial help for apprentices.
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