Vocational education and training (VET) after school

Vocational educational and training (VET) gives you skills and knowledge to do a job in the workplace.

This workplace may be in retail or an office, or in a trade.

Read more about VET in the Northern Territory on the VET website.

For possible career paths and the difference between university, VET or an apprenticeship or traineeship, go to the Australian Government's myfuture website.

Get a VET qualification

You can only take VET from a registered training organisation (RTO) that is:

  • recognised across Australia
  • able to qualify you for a licensed occupation.

For qualifications and a list of RTOs, go to the Australian Government's training website.

VET with paid work

You can combine VET with paid work by getting an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Help with costs

You may be able to get help with training and upgrading your skills.

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