
Request a review of a decision of the registrar

You can request a review of certain decisions made by the registrar within 28 days.

The decisions that may be reviewed include the following:

This process is part of the changes to the Act from 2 January 2024. Read more on the Department of Education website.

To find out more about the process, read sections 156A and 156B of the Act.

Who can request

  • Applicant – for registration or change registration of a non-government school
  • Governing body – for change, suspend or cancel registration of a non-government school

How to request

To request a review, email a detailed explanation for seeking the review to registrarngs.doe@education.nt.gov.au.

An assessor who was not involved in the original decision will carry out the review.

They will assess the merits of the original decision and provide a report to the registrar within a month after conducting the review.

This report will include a recommendation to:

  • confirm, vary or set aside the original decision and
  • substitute a different decision.

The registrar will then make the final decision and provide it to you in a written notice.

If you're still unhappy with the outcome, you can request a review by the NT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NTCAT).

To find out more, go to the NTCAT website.


For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar Non-Government Schools by emailing registrarngs.doe@education.nt.gov.au.