
Change a non-government school registration

To make certain changes to a non-government school, you must apply to change its registration.

These changes include:

  • changing the school's or governing body's name
  • adding a year level or another location.

You must also make sure any changes meet the registration standards.

This is required under the Education Act 2015.

When to apply

You must apply to change the school's registration at least 12 months before the proposed change occurs.

This may also depend on the type of change.

How to apply

To apply to change a non-government school's registration, follow these steps:

Step 1. Submit your intent to change

Submit your proposal to the registrar of non-government schools by emailing registrarngs.doe@education.nt.gov.au.

The registrar will then send you an application to vary registration.

Step 2. Fill in application

Fill in the application to vary registration and include supporting documents.

These supporting documents must show the proposed changes meets:

  • registration standards
  • any other conditions set by the registrar.

Step 3. Submit application

Submit your application with supporting documents by email to registrarngs.doe@education.nt.gov.au.

Step 4. Pay fee

Once your application is submitted, an application fee of 200 revenue units may apply.

You must pay this fee before your application can be assessed.

How your application is assessed

Once you submit your application, the registrar will consider it by agreement or refer it to one or more assessors.

These assessors will make recommendations based on the school's:

  • ability to meet the registration standards and any relevant legislation
  • possible effects on the NT educational system and on existing schools in the area
  • level of community support and public comments or concerns
  • expected effect on government infrastructure, services and resources.

The registrar will then approve or not approve your application based on these recommendations.

They will also consider the registration standards and other requirements under the Act and any other relevant matters.

Additional information or evidence may be required.

If your application is approved

If your application is approved, you will be notified and issued a registration certificate.

The school must maintain its registration by continuing to meet the registration standards.

To make sure the school's meeting these standards, it must undergo assessments and provide reporting.

Read more about non-government school assessments and reporting.

If your application is not approved

If your application is not approved, you may request a review of the decision within 28 days.

Find out how to request a review of a decision of the registrar.


For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar Non-Government Schools by emailing registrarngs.doe@education.nt.gov.au.