Early childhood support for remote children and families

You and your child can access early childhood support through:

  • education and learning programs
  • child and family centres.

For more information and to find a suitable service read below.

Families as First Teachers (FaFT) is an early learning and family support program that recognises that parents are their child’s first and most important teacher.

The core elements of the FaFT program are:

  • quality child and family-centred learning
  • parent capacity building
  • community engagement.

FaFT provides:

  • an early learning program that's child and family centred using an approach and strategies that are evidence based
  • access to reading books and learning games to use at home that promote intentional and meaningful interactions between adults and children
  • parenting support on child nutrition, health, hygiene, development and wellbeing
  • guidance to prepare your child for school and support smooth transitioning to preschool
  • child development screening and support to access early intervention.

You can access the program in remote schools and in some urban locations.

For more information, call your closest community program in the table below.

Ali Curung (Alekarenge School)08 8964 1957
Alpurrurulam07 4748 4887
Ampilatwatja08 8956 9265
Angurugu08 8987 6355
Arlparra08 8956 9178
Barunga08 8975 4502
Beswick (Wugularr School)08 8975 4529
Borroloola08 8975 8780
Elliott08 8969 2050
Galiwin'ku (Shepherdson College)08 8987 9044
Gapuwiyak08 8987 9122
Gunbalanya08 8979 0181
Gunyangara (Dhupuma Barker College)08 8987 0022
Hermannsburg (Ntaria School)08 8956 7424
Kalkaringi08 8975 0778
Lajamanu08 8975 0946
Maningrida08 8979 5950
Milingimbi08 8987 9902
Nganmarriyanga08 8978 2380
Ngukurr08 8975 4689
Numbulwar08 8975 4650
Papunya08 8956 8515
Ramingining08 8979 7924
Tennant Creek08 8963 2424
Umbakumba08 8987 6793
Wadeye (Catholic Education Northern Territory)08 8978 2477
Yirrkala08 8987 1988
Yuendumu08 8956 4011

The Department of Education and Training’s child and family centres support children and their families from pre-birth to age 5. Child and family centres are a single point of contact for families to access a variety of services including:

  • child health
  • early childhood education and care
  • child development
  • family support.

Their vision is to help families and communities ensure children have the best start in life, growing up strong, healthy and safe.

For more information, contact your closest child and family centre below.

Alice Springs

Larapinta Child and Family Centre, phone 08 8958 5180.

For more information, go to the Larapinta Child and Family Centre Facebook page.


Arrmunbu Child and Family Centre, phone 08 8958 5180.


Manayingkarirra Child and Family Centre, phone 08 8979 5950.


Gulaman Child and Family Centre, phone 08 8979 5950.


Palmerston Child and Family Centre, phone 08 8944 9223.

For more information, go to the Palmerston Child and Family Centre Facebook page.


Yurrampi Child and Family Centre, phone 08 8956 4015.

For more information, go to the Yurrampi Child and Family Centre website.

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