Age your child goes to preschool
Your child can start preschool at age 4, if:
- your child turns 4 between January 1 and June 30, they can start preschool at the beginning of the school year (Term 1)
- your child turns 4 after June 30, they can start preschool on or after their 4th birthday if there are places available. They will need to attend preschool for more than 12 months by re-enrolling the following year
- you live in a very remote area, your child can attend preschool from age 3, and you can stay with them during each session if you choose. This helps families transition into the school environment.
Priority enrolment
You can apply to enrol your child in a school of your choice, but priority is given to students living in the school's priority enrolment area.
If a school is approaching or has reached capacity, the school will decline applications from students who live outside its priority enrolment area.
For more information on priority enrolment, read the enrolment management and priority enrolment – guidelines PDF (888.7 KB).
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