Young people: community supervision

This page has information for parents and family members of young people who:

  • have been released by a court on an order and have supervision
  • have been recently released from a detention centre and have supervised conditions.

The courts or Parole Board can place young people under an order which includes community supervision by a probation and parole officer.

Community supervision orders from a court

A young person is on a community-based supervision order if they are:

  • sentenced at court to be a supervised by a probation and parole officer
  • released from detention and have supervision conditions on their court order
  • released to parole.

Probation and parole officers work closely with other professionals and agencies to supervise young people to help them comply with their community-based orders and get their lives back on track.

Through structured assessment and planning, staff target issues that put young people at risk of committing crime.

Supervision consists of providing case management, support and referral to programs and services such as counselling, mental health, child protection and other welfare services, education and supportive accommodation and other programs available to young people in the community.

Supervision is face-to-face contact with a probation and parole officer, and may also include:

  • random drug and alcohol (breath and urine) testing
  • counselling - eg: alcohol and drug, mental health, general
  • curfew checks with sometimes may include electronic monitoring
  • structured Changing Habits And Reaching Targets (CHART) sessions
  • education, training or employment programs
  • meetings with parents, carers or other services
  • providing information to the courts about a young person's progress.

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