Five-year tender forecast
Northern Territory (NT) Government agencies publish a list of anticipated tenders to be released for the next 5 years.
You can use this information for business planning, but it is subject to change.
The forecast does not represent a commitment from the NT Government to proceed to tender for any of the activities listed.
When a planned activity becomes a request for tender, it's published on the current tender list on the Quotations and Tenders Online (QTOL) website.
Other types of procurement opportunities
Find out about forward works and planned procurement for civil and building on the Department of Logistics and Infrastructure website.
To find out more about investing or major projects in the NT, go to the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet website.
Search for anticipated tenders
Use the below table to search for anticipated tenders.
The information provided is based over a financial year from 1 July to 30 June.
Tenders are further broken down into quarters (Q). Read below for what months each quarter covers.
- Q1 - July, August and September
- Q2 - October, November and December
- Q3 - January February and March
- Q4 - April, May and June.
Last updated: 03 May 2024.
Region | Agency | Division | Category | Activity | Market Approach | Est. Price | Year | Quarter |
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