
Mining: report significant changes

You must notify the Territory Revenue Office when significant changes occur to a mining operation or production unit.

This is required under the Mineral Royalties Act 2024 (MRA24) and the Mineral Royalty Act 1982 (MRA82).

Information on what is considered a significant change under each Act is found below.

Read the Act that applies to you:

If you are the holder of a mining tenement, you must notify the Commissioner of Territory Revenue within 30 days of a significant change occurring. Read the Mineral Royalties Act 2024.

This includes where:

  • the holder ceases extracting a mineral during an extended or permanent shutdown of operations in a mining operation
  • the holder recommences extracting a mineral after an extended or permanent shutdown of operations in a mining operation
  • there is a change in ownership of the mining tenement.

To report significant changes to the Commissioner of Territory Revenue, email royaltiesandassurance.dtf@nt.gov.au with supporting evidence.

If you are the responsible person of a production unit, you must notify the mineral royalty Secretary within 30 days of a significant change occurring. Read the Mineral Royalty Act 1982.

This includes:

  • when a decision is made to start mineral production
  • any change to the name or address of the responsible person and manager of the production unit
  • any change in the ownership of the production unit or of a mining tenement which forms part of the production unit
  • any significant change in the level of production of a mineral commodity by the production unit
  • when the production unit stops commercial production of a mineral commodity
  • when the production unit resumes commercial production of a mineral commodity after stopping.

To report significant changes to the Secretary, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the notification of information PDF (433.3 KB) form.

Step 2. Attach any supporting documents.

Step 3. Submit your form by email to royaltiesandassurance.dtf@nt.gov.au.


For more information contact:

Territory Revenue Office
Level 14
Charles Darwin Centre
19 The Mall
Darwin NT

Phone: 1300 305 353.