Legacy sites under investigation
Work is currently underway to identify legacy sites.
This work includes investigations, environmental monitoring and site inspections.
The results are used to understand impacts from the legacy mine so the site can be prioritised for future planning and expenditure.
The following areas are sites where:
- some assessments were undertaken and
- remediation works may be prioritised in the near future.
Coronet Hill
This site shares a boundary with Kakadu National Park and the Little Mary River.
It's being investigated to find out if there:
- is water contamination from the crushed ore stockpile
- are risks to public safety from the open shafts.
Cosmo Howley
The site where Cosmo Howley Mine is located has been mined since the 1800s.
It now includes current and legacy mine features.
The current operator is not legally responsible for the remediation of legacy mine features.
The site is being reviewed for possible remediation of these features within the operational mine.
For more information, email legacy.mines@nt.gov.au.