Interstate plumbing

Plumbers in the Northern Territory (NT) must be licensed.

For a list of NT plumbers, go to the Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board website.

The table below lists interstate licensed plumbers who can work in the NT.

They are approved through the automatic mutual recognition (AMR) scheme.

Last updated: 03 Mar 2025
State Name Licence no. Expiry Category
VIC MCMAHON Shaun thomas 115990 13/02/2025 Journeyman Registration
WA KEYS Scott PL6343 30/09/2024 Advanced Tradesman
SA RIX Jean-Pierre PGE316457 31/01/2025 Provisional Plumber
SA FURMANIAK Anthony PGE265322 45596 Advanced Tradesman
SA HARDING Gary Victor PGE206465 45504 Restricted Plumbing Registration
VIC UWLAND James Robert 115753 45828 Journeyman Registration
WA HSU Kao-Fan PL10568 45983 Advanced Tradesman Licence
NSW BUTTIGIEG Joseph Michael 300959C 46262 Advanced Tradesman Licence
SA MOLNAR Michael PGE4470 46203 Journeyman Registration
NSW MATTHEWS Trent John 131826C 46770 Advanced Tradesman Licence
NSW KNIGHT Tyson 458762C 46405 Advanced Tradesman Licence
NSW TRUSCOTT Jacob Peter 20031J 46943 Tradesperson
VIC MIDDLEMAST Daniel 100644 45689 Advanced Plumber/Drainer
VIC KOGER Lachlan 111919 46465 Registered Journeyman

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