Changes to the Livestock Act 2008
From 30 April 2024, the Livestock and Other Amendments Act 2024 came into place.
Following these changes, further amendments are being proposed.
Read about these changes.
Lumpy skin disease
Lumpy skin disease has recently been confirmed in countries close to Australia.
Enhanced surveillance is underway in the Northern Territory. Report anything suspicious in animals by calling 1800 675 888.
Find out more about lumpy skin disease.
There are rules you must follow for identifying and moving buffalo and related livestock into, around and out of the Northern Territory (NT).
Property identification code
You must have an NT property identification code (PIC) if you keep buffalo, regardless of the size of your property, the number you have, or if they are pets.
Read about how to get a PIC.
Identifying and branding
Buffaloes must be identified under the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) before they are moved from their property of origin.
Radio-frequency identification
Buffalo can be fitted with a radio-frequency identification (RFID) device to track their movements.
The owner of the property of origin is responsible for making sure all animals are fitted with RFID.
The PIC of origin and destination will be reported in the NLIS database. This is the responsibility of the owner at the place of destination.
Transaction tags
Before moving buffalo you can attach a transaction tag with serial number to their ear.
The tag should include a PIC of the property where it was applied.
The serial numbers will be recorded on the waybill.
The tags must remain in the ear of the buffalo. For further movements another tag will need to be applied.
Buffaloes do not need branding by law in the NT.
The owner can use an NT-registered brand if they choose but this is not essential.
Read more about branding and identifying livestock and NLIS in the NT.
Moving buffalo
There are rules for moving buffalo around, into, out of, and through the NT.
You must be aware of and comply with the rules so that livestock are moved according to disease control and animal welfare requirements.
Read more about NT waybills, moving and exporting livestock and livestock welfare and land transport standards.
You can get NT Government publications about diseases, treatment and general management of buffalo.
They are provided as general information only and you should get specific professional advice for your particular situation.
The NT Government are not responsible for any loss, expense, damage or injury that results from using this information.
The publications listed below and other information can be accessed through the online publications search.
Diseases and treatments
- Abattoir traceback - cattle granulomas PDF (135.8 KB)
- Acaricide (chemical) resistance in cattle ticks PDF (175.2 KB)
- Obstructive urolithiasis (bladder stones) in cattle PDF (123.7 KB)
- Chemical products available for the control of buffalo fly PDF (2.4 MB)
- Cattle ticks PDF (258.5 KB)
- Cattle feeding restrictions to prevent mad cow disease PDF (286.2 KB)
- Three-day sickness or ephemeral fever PDF (151.7 KB)
- Australian water buffalo manual PDF (1.3 MB)
- Breaking in water buffalo to lead PDF (46.5 KB)
- Water buffalo handling: general principles PDF (54.6 KB)
- Water buffalo handling: on-farm considerations PDF (97.0 KB)
- Water buffalo handling: transport to the abattoir PDF (73.4 KB)
- Management of orphaned or weaned buffalo calves PDF (37.9 KB)
- Weaning water buffalo calves PDF (89.8 KB)
- Water buffalo farming in southern Australia PDF (72.2 KB)
- TenderBuff guidelines for production PDF (452.3 KB)
- Management of Australian water buffalo in South East Asian cattle feedlots - English PDF (8.3 MB)
- Management of Australian water buffalo in South East Asian cattle feedlots - Vietnamese PDF (10.0 MB)
To find out more about rules for buffalo, contact a livestock biosecurity officer.
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