Subdividing your pastoral lease

You must get the approval of the minister to subdivide a pastoral lease for pastoral purposes.

Applications are referred to the Pastoral Land Board for review and recommendation in accordance with the Pastoral Land Act 1992.

How to apply

To seek approval to subdivide your pastoral lease, follow these steps:

Step 1. Read the guidelines for the subdivision of pastoral land for pastoral purposes PDF (408.4 KB).

Step 2. Fill in the subdivide pastoral lease form PDF (76.8 KB).

Step 3. Prepare your supporting documents. You can use the sample business plan or feasibility study PDF (218.4 KB) or cash flow PDF (43.0 KB) to help with your documents.

Step 4. Pay the non-refundable application fee of 1323 revenue units. Read more about revenue units.

You can pay by cash, cheque, money order or credit card made to the Receiver of Territory Monies.

Step 5. Submit the form and supporting documents by mail or email to:

Pastoral Branch
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment
PO Box 496
Palmerston NT 0831


For more information, contact the Pastoral Branch by calling 08 8999 4624 or emailing

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