
Western Davenport water allocation plan

Current plan No plan is currently in place.
Previous planWestern Davenport water allocation plan 2021 - 2022
MapWestern Davenport water allocation plan map
Area 24,594km2
Declared 6 December 2021
Duration 1 year
Review A new water allocation plan is currently being prepared.
Expired 7 December 2022

The plan applies to all surface water and groundwater within the Western Davenport water control district (WCD).

It covers 1.82% of the Northern Territory.

Plan objectives

The main objectives of the plan are to:

  • meet the environmental water requirements of water dependent ecosystems
  • protect Aboriginal cultural values associated with water
  • provide access to water resources to support local Aboriginal economic development
  • allocate water for future public water supply and rural stock and domestic purposes
  • provide equitable access to water to support ecologically sustainable regional economic development.

For more information about objectives, strategies and performance indicators, read the Western Davenport water allocation plan 2021– 2022.

Beneficial uses

The beneficial uses of water in a WCD are:

  • environment
  • Aboriginal economic development.

The Administrator may set other categories and publish a notice in the Gazette.

Beneficial uses are set for groundwater and surface water in the WCD.

Read the Gazette that was published on 3 December 2021 in the special notice 40 PDF (192.5 KB).

Water resources

The surface water catchments and groundwater systems of the district are interconnected.

Flows from the Davenport Range and southern ranges recharge aquifers in the Central Plains water management zone.

Smaller local aquifers in the Davenport Range and southern ranges are also recharged by surface water flows and local rainfall.

Surface water

Surface water is mostly temporary and not a reliable source for consumptive use.

There are some rock holes and small springs in the ranges that are possibly permanent, which have important environmental and cultural value.


There is currently no licensed surface water extraction within the WCD. Surface water can be used for rural stock and domestic purposes without a licence.


The plan doesn’t permit licensed surface water extraction activities within the plan area.


The estimated sustainable yield for groundwater is 168,405ML per year.


The water allocation plan identifies 3 groundwater water management zones where an estimated sustainable yield has been established.

They represent unique water environments, with the Central Plains featuring higher yielding and better quality aquifers.

The water in these aquifers has been stored for thousands of years and is connected. This means extraction from one aquifer will affect the neighbouring aquifers.

Water resources in the southern ranges and Davenport ranges are limited and expected to be used mainly for stock purposes.

The estimated sustainable yield is the amount of water that can be taken while meeting the needs of environmental and cultural values of the water resource.

The table below shows the volume of water available under the estimated sustainable yield from each of the groundwater management zones in the water allocation plan.

Water management zoneEstimated sustainable yield (ML per year)
Davenport ranges15,065
Central Plains112,720
Southern ranges40,620


There are 11 licences granted for groundwater to be used for public water supply, agriculture and industry.

View the licences.

Aboriginal water reserves

Aboriginal water reserves have been established in the water allocation plan.

Management zoneAWR total (ML per year)AWR availability (ML per year)Percent provisioned (%)Water granted from the AWR (ML per year)
Central Plains26,09126,0911000
Davenport ranges3,2933,2931000
Southern range3,9413,9411000

New plan

A full review of the current plan is complete and a new draft 10-year plan has been prepared.

The review and the draft plan has been developed with the input from the Western Davenport and Ti Tree Water Advisory Committee.

This statutory committee has diverse membership representing Aboriginal, horticultural, environment, remote community supplies, NT Farmers, community interests and the Central Land Council.

The feedback period has closed. To keep up to date with the review, go to the Have Your Say website.


If you have any questions about permits or licensing requirements in the area, email water.licensing@nt.gov.au.

For water planning enquiries, email waterresources@nt.gov.au.