Natural Resource Maps NT

Natural Resource (NR) Maps is a web mapping tool to discover, research and map natural and cultural research data for the Northern Territory (NT).

Go to the NR Maps website.

You can do all of the following with NR Maps:

  • display, select and query data layers sourced from different government agencies
  • access NT data including:
    • soil
    • water and vegetation resource surveys
    • flora and fauna species
    • weeds
    • bores
    • water management areas
  • download NT data layers and export query results
  • access more than 600 NT map PDF documents
  • draw redline mark-ups and export to shapefiles
  • upload your own data in a range of formats
  • create A4 or A3 PDF maps to print and save.

For more information about NR Maps or to get user guides, go to the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment website.

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