Honey bees near your home

Most honey bees seen around your home are European honey bees. They are social bees and will sometimes swarm.

A swarm is a group of bees that have left their original colony and are looking for a new home. They may also carry exotic pests and diseases.

If you are concerned about a swarm or hive in your home, email honeybee@nt.gov.au. A local apiarist may be able to collect and relocate them.

European honey bees are important to the economy of the Northern Territory (NT) as they pollinate many of our food crops.

Bees near garden taps

Like all animals, honey bees need water to survive. They also use it to cool their hives.

This means they use water sources around your home, such as garden taps or your pool.

You can also provide another water source. If you do, include a floating log or submerged rock as a landing place.


For more information, contact Plant Biosecurity or read more about honey bees and beekeeping.

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