Bees near your home

Most bees seen around the home are introduced European honeybees.

These are social bees and will sometimes swarm.

If you see a swarm of honeybees, you must not disturb them as they are likely to defend themselves by stinging any threats.

If you are concerned about a swarm or hive in your yard, a commercial apiarist in your area may be able to collect and relocate the bees.

European honeybees are important to the economy of the Northern Territory (NT) as they pollinate many of our food crops.

Native bees

Native bees are important for the environment as they pollinate native plants and provide a food source for some native birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Native Australian honeybees do not have a stinger and do not bite, but other native bee species can sting if provoked.

Bees near garden taps

Bees use water to cool their hives.

They will move to water sources, such as outdoor taps around your home.

You can place a bag over the tap to stop the bees from using it.

You can also provide another water source for the bees to use near the hive or their flight path.

Such water sources include a floating log or submerged rock. These will give the bees a place to land and rest while they take water and stop them drowning.


For more information, contact the apiary officer on 08 8999 2118.

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