Cancel or refund your vehicle registration

You can cancel your vehicle registration if your vehicle is:

  • written off (beyond repair)
  • stolen
  • no longer being driven
  • getting sold or disposed of
  • registered interstate.

You can also receive a refund if you have at least one whole month remaining until your registration expiry date.

Once you cancel your vehicle registration, you can't drive it. It is an offence to drive an unregistered vehicle.

Who can apply

You can cancel your vehicle registration and receive the refund (if applicable) if you're:

  • the registered owner
  • an authorised agent or nominated operator acting on behalf of the registered owner.

If you're an authorised agent or a nominated operator, you must have written permission from the registered owner confirming consent to act on their behalf.

Get a refund before you sell or dispose of a vehicle

You can apply to cancel your registration before selling or disposing of the vehicle.

You are not eligible to cancel the registration or get a refund if you are not the registered owner and can't surrender the NT number plates.

How the refund is calculated

The refund is calculated on the number of whole months remaining until your vehicle registration expiry date.

An administration fee is also payable and will be deducted from the refund.

How to apply

To cancel your vehicle registration, you must follow these steps.

Step 1. Fill in the application to cancel registration PDF (148.7 KB)

To get a refund, you must include your email address in the application. Without it, we can't process your refund.

Step 2. Return the vehicle's NT number plates or the number plate surrender receipt, and any supporting documents with the form to an MVR office or by email to

You may also need to supply:

  • written permission from the registered owner if you're not an authorised agent or nominated operator
  • police report or advice if your vehicle is written off or stolen
  • authorised receipt if you've surrendered your NT number plate interstate.

How to claim your refund

Once your application has been processed, you will receive an email from MVR with step by step instructions on how to claim your refund.

Refunds will take 5 working days to reach your bank account.

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