Temporary traffic management approved training providers

This page contains information on how to:

  • find a NT temporary traffic management (TTM) ATP
  • apply to become an approved training provider (ATP).

Read about TTM.


Name of training providersTC1*TC2*TMI1*TMI2*TMD1*TMD2*STLI*
Civil Training (VIC) trading as CTA - Create Train Achieve
RTO number: 45608
Phone: 1800 282 287 

Workzone Training Pty Ltd
RTO number: 45807
Phone: 1300 005 150


Civil Contractors Federation (SA) trading as
Civil Train
RTO number: 45621
Phone: 08 8953 3515 



  • TC - traffic controller
  • TMI - traffic management implementer
  • TMD - traffic management designer
  • STLI - short term low impact

Apply to become an ATP

Registered training organisations (RTOs) must apply to become an ATP.

To apply, follow these steps:

Step 1. Fill in the application for access to the Austroads TTM national training material and jurisdictional localised content DOCX (140.5 KB).

Step 2. Email your application to TTMtraining@austroads.com.au.

To get a copy of the RTO Operational Framework for TTM, go to the Austroads website.


Department of Logistics and Infrastructure
Level 2 Highway House
14 Palmerston Circuit
Palmerston NT 0830

PO Box 61
Palmerston NT 0831

Phone: 08 8999 4449

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