Operating or owning a commercial passenger vehicle

Accreditation in the NT: apply or renew

You can apply for accreditation to operate a commercial passenger vehicle (CPV) in the Northern Territory (NT).

Your accreditation is valid for 5 years and can be renewed.

To be approved as an accredited operator, you must be considered fit and proper to be responsible for the operation of a CPV.

You cannot transfer your accreditation to another person.

Your accreditation may be cancelled if you're:

  • convicted of a disqualifying offence or
  • deemed not fit and proper to hold accreditation.

Read about fit and proper assessment and disqualifying offences.

To apply for or renew operator accreditation, you must:

  • complete an application for commercial passenger vehicle operator accreditation
  • pay the $100 accreditation fee
  • provide a national police certificate - supplied by SAFE NT dated within 3 months
  • provide an insolvency check - from the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) dated within 3 months.

You must provide either original or certified copies of your national police certificate and insolvency report.

Company or body corporate accreditation

In the case of a company, body corporate, or an incorporated association, an operator must provide a current company extract from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). The extract must identify all partners, directors, and managers.

An operator will not get accreditation if an individual or office bearer of a body corporate is any of the following:

  • bankrupt or in the process of bankruptcy
  • has been convicted of a disqualifying offence
  • considered not fit and proper to hold accreditation.

How to apply

Fill in the application for commercial passenger vehicle operator accreditation PDF (234.6 KB).


You can send your application, supporting documents and money order to:

Department of Logistics and Infrastructure
CPV Operator Accreditation 
GPO Box 530
Darwin NT 0801

Call 1300 654 628 once the MVR has received your application form. You can pay the fee by Visa or Mastercard.

In person

You can apply in person at an MVR office. You can pay the fee by Mastercard, Visa, EFTPOS or cash.

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