Advisory Council for Senior Territorians - Communique 10 April 2024

The Minister’s Advisory Council for Senior Territorians met on 10 April 2024 in Darwin with the Hon Ngaree Ah Kit MLA, Minister for Youth, Seniors and Equality.

Minister’s update

The Minister for Youth, Seniors and Equality met with the council for the first time since her appointment to this portfolio.

Minister Ah Kit expressed her gratitude for the dedication and commitment of each member of this council and was eager to hear the members’ insights and priorities for 2024.

Minister Ah Kit advised:

  • the Office of Senior Territorians is working on the annual report for the Northern Territory (NT) Seniors Policy Implementation Plan 2022-24:
    • this report will provide a comprehensive overview of the progress and achievements in advancing the wellbeing of senior Territorians
  • grant applications for Seniors Month events are currently open with this program presenting an opportunity to:
    • celebrate the continuing contributions and achievements of senior Territorians
    • encourage older people to have a healthy lifestyle, become involved in a new activity and connect to the community
  • members she had recently approved changes to the terms of reference of the council which will come into effect in June 2025.

Updated terms of reference

The terms of reference for the council were recently updated to enhance the council’s effectiveness and inclusivity.

Key changes are:

  • ensuring inclusive community membership, encompassing individuals from diverse backgrounds including:
    • culturally and linguistically diverse people
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
    • LGBTQIA+
    • people with disability
  • greater representation of community members and a more equitable representation from peak bodies on the council (which will come into effect upon the expiry of current members’ terms), with:
    • 8 community members
    • 6 representatives of peak body organisations
  • frequency of meetings to be increased from 3 to 4 times per year
  • extension of meeting duration from 3 to 5 hours
  • introduction of a member-only agenda item, exclusively attended by members.

Members provided feedback on the changes and perceived decrease in representation of peak bodies. This was discussed in depth with the Minister for Youth, Seniors and Equality and the Office of Senior Territorians.

Telecommunications, energy and concessions

Members provided feedback about the decision by telecommunications networks to:

  • disconnect 3G services from 30 June 2024 and
  • the impact this will have on personal alarms, smart metres and older phones.

The Office of Senior Territorians will provide advice on supports that may be available to Territorians with personal alarms.

Members discussed a program that delivered in-home energy monitoring devices to track energy usage, enabling occupants to reduce their energy usage and lower their electricity costs. Members provided their support for this program to assist seniors and others with reducing cost of living pressures.

Members also advocated for increases in the NT Seniors Concession Scheme to assist with reducing cost of living pressures.


The Department of Health presented to the council on the:

  • current vaccination rate in the NT
  • estimated risk factor for our over-50 Aboriginal population and over-60 non-Aboriginal population, especially those in aged care and
  • how those risks are being addressed and communicated to the NT community, with associated data on supply and access to vaccines and anti-viral medications.

Members shared their experience accessing the vaccine in regional areas and through their pharmacist. Members advocated for improved communication about the need for all vaccines.

Older person abuse

Members heard from Darwin Community Legal Service about their work in establishing baseline data on:

  • the Territory’s understanding of older person abuse and
  • what actions the community believes would address this abuse.

Members shared their experiences and knowledge of older person abuse and were invited by Darwin Community Legal Service to join their network group on older person abuse.

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