Community benefit fund: major community events grant


This page has information about major community events grants in the Northern Territory (NT).

The community benefit fund (CBF) receives funds from a levy on electronic gaming machines in licensed hotels.

Major community events grants provide funding to conduct major community events for the benefit of Territorians.

For details of successful grant recipients from the latest round, go to the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) website.

You can also check past recipients in the annual reports on the DITT website.

Conditions you need to know

This page provides information about the conditions you need to know to apply for a major community events grant.

If you want to apply for major community events grants in the Northern Territory (NT), you must be an NT based non-profit community organisation.

You must be incorporated under one of the following:

  • the Associations Act (NT)
  • the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth)
  • the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Commonwealth)
  • any other Act of Parliament.

Organisations must be not-for-profit and have a physical presence in the NT.

You must be compliant with all reporting requirements relevant to the Act under which you are incorporated.

If you are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC), you must be compliant with their reporting requirements.

Who can't apply

You can't apply for a major community events grants if you are:

  • an individual
  • an organisation licensed to operate electronic gaming machines
  • a body corporate or similar
  • a government or semi-government organisation like a hospital, library, municipal council or regional council
  • a public or private school - including primary, secondary and tertiary institutions
  • a school affiliate or auxiliary body like a school council
  • a research foundation or trust
  • an association that is not compliant with your reporting obligations under the Act under which you are incorporated or to ACNC if applicable.

You also cannot apply if you have:

  • an outstanding acquittal from a previous CBF grant
  • you have an active major community events grant with the CBF.

All applications that meet the eligibility criteria will be considered.

If your application meets the priorities below, it will be given preference when being considered.

The priorities are:

Priority 1

Applications that are wide reaching and have a great deal of community involvement and support.

Priority 2

Applications that support the growth of the NT and use local suppliers and contractors in the process of completing the grant.

You can only submit one application per funding year.

You cannot have any active major community events grants with the community benefit fund (CBF) already.

You can apply for a major community events grant to cover:

  • advertising and promotion costs
  • equipment costs
  • performance costs
  • operational or administrative costs - up to a maximum of 30% of the amount requested and/or
  • any other cost specifically related to the conducting of a major community event.

You can't apply for major community events grants funding for any of the following:

  • operational or administrative expenses greater than 30%
  • any purpose not related to conducting a major community event.

The following won't be funded:

  • events that don't have significant community reach or involvement
  • events that aren't consistent with fund objectives
  • events that may be considered inappropriate or offensive
  • events that are political or religious
  • events that may negatively impact business or compete with local commercial activities

Events that start before your grant is approved will not be funded.

Do not purchase goods, services or equipment included in your application until you have received formal funding approval.

If you get duplicate funding from a different funding source, you must refund any component of the major community events grants funded from elsewhere.

Multiple applications are not permitted for major community events grants.

You can only submit one major community events grants application per round.

The CBF committee will consider previously awarded grants in its assessment

They will also consider the spread and benefit of the grants throughout the community.

Any organisation with overdue acquittals will not be eligible for further grants until the acquittals are completed.

What you need to know to apply

You can apply for major community events grants to fund a project in its entirety or for a portion of the project.

Preference will be given to applications that include co-contributions that meet the priorities.

Your application is encouraged to consider ways to develop sustainable funding options which can supplement grant funding

If you wish to fund an event over multiple years you must ensure:

  • the years applied for must be consecutive
  • annual funding payments will be dependent on reporting being up to date.

How much you can apply for

Eligible organisations can apply for amounts up to $15,001 and $250,000 per year for up to 3 years.

Funding depends on budget availability and the relative merit of applications. There is no guarantee of ongoing funding.

Funding rounds

You can apply for funding twice each financial year.

Applications must be lodged between the opening and closing dates of the round.

Round 1

  • 1 July - round opens and you can apply
  • 31 August - round closes
  • 31 October - you will be notified.

Round 2

  • 1 January - round opens and you can apply
  • 28 February - round closes
  • 30 April - you will be notified.

How to apply

You can apply via GrantsNT.

If you need help creating an account, contact the CBF secretariat.

Late applications will not be accepted.

After you apply

A letter will be sent to your nominated email confirming your application has been received. Depending on the volume of applications received, this can take several days.

If you haven't received a letter after one week, contact the community benefit fund secretariat by calling 1300 650 153 or email

How your application is assessed

This page provides information on how your application for a major community events grants is assessed.

Your application will be assessed by the community benefit fund (CBF) committee.

The committee is made up of representatives appointed by the responsible Minister. It consists mainly of non-government community representatives from across the Northern Territory (NT).

The committee considers all funding applications and makes recommendations to the Minister who will ultimately determine if a grant will or will not be funded.

Step 1. Check

The CBF secretariat will check the following:

  • you are an eligible organisation
  • your organisation is meeting its reporting obligations under the Act under which it is incorporated or with Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission if applicable
  • your organisation doesn't have any current major community event grants
  • your organisation doesn't have any outstanding acquittals with the CBF.

The secretariat will attach the funding history for your organisation to your application.

Step 2. Assessment

The CBF committee will consider all funding applications and make recommendations to the Minister.

The committee will check your application as follows:

  • meets the eligibility requirements
  • seeks funding for an activity, purpose or project permitted
  • aligns with the priorities set
  • contains quotes where applicable - preference given to quotes from the NT
  • has a co-contribution towards the cost of the event - including in-kind
  • represents value for money
  • includes an accurately costed and viable budget
  • demonstrates planning, including identifying outcomes
  • has evidence of community support or involvement.

Other factors that will be taken into consideration include:

  • how long has event been running
  • how many people are expected to attend event
  • how much funding your organisation has already received from the CBF
  • whether your organisation has the capacity to deliver the event
  • evidence of sound financial management
  • how much funding your organisation already receives from other sources
  • how much funding is available in the round.

Step 3. A decision is made

Once an outcome has been determined for your application, the CBF secretariat will write and advise you of the outcome.

Read the funding rounds to find out when you will be notified.

If your application is successful

You will be notified on the result of your application. Read about funding rounds on what you need to know to apply.

Successful applications

If you are successful, you have 12 months from the date of your successful letter to claim your funding and sign the agreement.

If you don't claim within 12 months, your funding will be forfeited and you will have to re-apply.

Unsuccessful applications

If your application is unsuccessful you will receive an email.

You can re-apply in the next funding round. Your application must have:

  • met the assessment criteria
  • and was unsuccessful because of a lack of priority or funding capacity for that round.

Re-applying does not improve your prospects. Each application is considered on merit and is assessed against the other applications for the round.

Receiving the funds

If your grant is expected to be completed within 12 months, you will receive one payment at the start of your grant.

Grants exceeding 12 months in length will receive annual payments. This is conditional on reporting requirements for the previous year being complete.

How to manage your grant

This page contains information on how to manage your major community events grant.

You must submit request for variations to funding agreements to the community benefit fund (CBF) secretariat.

You have the right to any intellectual property developed as a result of your project.

The Northern Territory (NT) Government has the right to use the intellectual property without cost in furthering its objectives and purposes.

Details of successful and unsuccessful grant applications may be published or used by the NT Government in any form and at any time.

These details may include:

  • name of applicant organisation
  • amount of funding
  • event details
  • any special approval conditions
  • reasons for approval or non-approval
  • photos.

You may be contacted for feedback on your application experience.

Your participation is voluntary and does not affect how applications are assessed or monitored.

Funding approval may be withdrawn at any time.

This may happen if there is a change in circumstances or your organisation or event is not financially viable.

You must acquit your major community events grants in the time frame detailed in your funding agreement.

If you do not acquit your grant, you will not be apply to apply for other CBF grants.

You are not required to return any unspent funds less than $100.

If you have more than $100 of unspent funds left, you must refund the CBF.

You can refund the money by either:

  • cheque payable to the Receiver of Territory Monies
  • or contact the CBF secretariat and request an invoice to be created that will allow for electronic payment.

Grant acquittals are incomplete until all money subject to the refund policy is received.

How to dispose of assets

If you used grant funding to buy all or part of an asset worth more than $10,000 when you bought it, you must get permission from the Northern Territory Government to dispose of it.

This only applies to assets purchased within five years from date of purchase, unless you have stated in your application how it is to be disposed of.

To get permission to dispose of an asset you need to send a request to community benefit fund (CBF) secretariat.

You should include in your request:

  • why you need to dispose of it
  • explain the benefit to your organisation and the community to dispose of this asset.

For further information call 1300 650 153.

You can email your request to dispose of assets to


This page provides information on contact details for submitting community benefit fund grants.

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Community benefit fund secretariat
Level 3 NAB House
71 Smith Street 
Darwin NT 0800

GPO Box 1154
Darwin NT 0801

Freecall: 1300 650 153