Tennant Creek Hospital

Services at Tennant Creek Hospital

To contact any of the services below call (08) 8962 4399.

Hospital services

  • accident and emergency
  • general practice
  • telehealth
  • gynaecology
  • paediatrics
  • orthopaedics
  • acute inpatient services
  • palliative care
  • general medical services
  • limited general rehabilitation services
  • general Allied Health services by appointment
  • child health
  • community health services
  • home care
  • continence
  • Home and Community Care (HACC) equipment assessment
  • radiology
  • pathology
  • oral health
  • dialysis


  • primary care
  • antenatal
  • pre-admission
  • wound management
  • diabetic education
  • cardiac support

Allied Health Services

The allied health team provide referral services for clients across all ages for both inpatients and outpatients at the Tennant Creek Hospital, find an allied health service.

Home and Community Care (HACC) services

  • frail aged
  • people with disabilities and carers

Visiting specialist services

  • internal medicine
  • thoracic medicine
  • anaesthetics
  • paediatrics
  • general surgery

Community health services

  • immunisation clinics
  • school health
  • child health
  • parent craft
  • women's health
  • men's health
  • palliative care
  • aged care assessment
  • drug and alcohol services
  • continence
  • Indigenous health
  • health promotion/prevention.

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