
Top End Developmental Infant (TEDI) clinic

Top End Developmental Infant (TEDI) clinic provides therapy and monitoring to improve the developmental outcomes for premature babies.

Clinic services

The clinic is for babies who are:

  • born premature earlier than 33 weeks gestation
  • had a birth weight of under 1500g
  • in the Top End of the Northern Territory.

The clinic is run by a multidisciplinary allied health team who work closely with paediatricians.

The allied health team can include:

  • occupational therapist
  • speech pathologist
  • physiotherapist

Access the service

Referrals are accepted from medical officers or GPs.


The team is located at Royal Darwin Hospital in the allied health building on the first floor.

Send referrals or contact the team on 08 8922 8338 or email alliedhealthadmin.doh@nt.gov.au.