
Equipment assessments and support

The seating equipment assessment and technical (SEAT) service helps people with functional impairments who need help with:

  • wheeled mobility aids
  • seating systems
  • pressure care
  • assistive technology.

The service is goal based and time limited.

SEAT services

The service helps with:

  • checking posture, measuring the body and evaluating pressure care to determine equipment that is best suited for your needs
  • providing education and training
  • assessing the suitability of existing equipment
  • assisting with equipment fabrication, adjustments, modifications or customisations
  • providing repair and maintenance service for mobility equipment.

The service provides supports across acute, rehabilitation and community services.

The SEAT team includes:

  • clinician including occupational therapist and physiotherapist
  • technicians
  • allied health assistants
  • finance officers
  • managers.

Access the service

With consent, anyone can make a referral, including:

  • yourself
  • families
  • community nurses
  • health professionals
  • aged and disability care services.

Contact the team to request a referral form. Completed forms can be emailed to the team.


Contact the team in your region.

Top End, Big Rivers and East Arnhem region

Request a referral form, information or contact the team call 08 8922 8228.

Completed referrals can be emailed to SEATDarwin.THS@nt.gov.au.


Building 15, Royal Darwin Hospital campus, Rocklands Drive, Tiwi NT 0810

Central Australia and Barkly region

Request a referral form, information or contact the team call 08 8951 7579.

Completed referrals can be emailed to SEATAliceSprings.THS@nt.gov.au.


Building C, Flynn Drive Health Centre, Alice Springs, NT, 0870