
Hospital nutrition and dietetics

Dietitians are part of the multidisciplinary team within Northern Territory (NT) hospitals.

They can provide inpatient nutrition care and outpatient clinics.

Dietitians see patients for a range of nutritional issues from all age groups.

Each hospital accepts different referral types, referrals are prioritised by greatest need.

The outpatient nutrition clinics help with general nutrition for children and adults, including:

  • acute nutritional issues after gastrointestinal surgeries
  • gastrointestinal disease
  • malnutrition
  • unintentional weight loss
  • preventing poor nutrition and weight loss, dietary management and treatment-related side effects for head and neck oncology
  • faltering growth
  • coeliac disease
  • food allergy and intolerance
  • home enteral nutrition (HEN).

How to access

Your doctor or health professional can make a referral.


Referrals can be sent by email to AlliedHealthAdmin.DoH@nt.gov.au.

You can call the Darwin nutrition clinic on 08 8922 8338.

The clinic is located at the allied health office on the first floor of Royal Darwin Hospital.

The Katherine Hospital dietitian service supports inpatients across the hospital.

An outpatient service is provided for both adults and youth patients on a priority basis.

A group education service for newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes is also available.

How to access

You, your doctor or your health professional can make a referral.

You cannot access the service if you are an outpatient and:

  • an NDIS client, except HEN clients
  • DVA gold card holder
  • eligible for other NT Health or Aboriginal community controlled health organisation dietetic services.


Referrals can be sent by email to therapykh.doh@nt.gov.au.

You can call the Katherine nutrition clinic on 08 8973 9007 or 0491 216 670.

The clinic is located at the Katherine Hospital.

The Gove District Hospital dietitians offer both inpatient and outpatient services that include:

  • nutritional assessment
  • prescription of special diets and enteral feeds
  • nutrition education and counselling.
  • HEN management
  • supporting the Gove District Hospital food service system.

How to access

Your doctor or health professional can make a referral.


Referrals can be sent by email to GDH.Dietitian@nt.gov.au.

You can call the Gove nutrition clinic on 08 8987 0431.

The clinic is located at the Gove Hospital.

Alice Springs Hospital's dietetics department is a priority-based service for adults and children.

The service can offer multidisciplinary approaches for individuals and groups.

The team supports HEN in the Central and Barkly regions supplying equipment for clients who are not NDIS eligible for the equipment.

How to access

Your doctor or health professional can make a referral.

Children must be under the care of a paediatrician.

Renal patients must be under the care of the renal team to be eligible for dietetic services.


Referrals to:

You can call the dietetics department on 08 8951 7783.

The department is located in the allied health building at Alice Springs Hospital.

Tenant Creek Hospital dietetics services provides inpatients and outpatients services for all ages.

How to access

Your doctor or health professional can make a referral.


Referrals can be sent by email to Dietetics.TCH@nt.gov.au.

You can call the dietetics service on 08 8962 4399.

The service is located at the Tennant Creek Hospital.