
Chaplaincy and pastoral care

Chaplains are available for patients, family and staff.

The service is not strictly religious or spiritual, the support is available to anyone of any faith or no faith.

Support can also be tailored and delivered from a representative from a specific faith background.

Chaplain services for patients

As a patient, a chaplain can offer you:

  • time for you to talk about what is happening to you and the meaning of this for your life
  • support that includes belief systems, cultural heritage and personal, spiritual and religious resources that are important to you
  • the choice to organise someone with your own spiritual, religious or philosophical tradition to visit if you ask
  • religious ritual, prayer and sacrament as appropriate
  • help making connections in the community when you leave the hospital
  • help speaking with other health professionals

Chaplains work with all members of the hospital team.

Chaplain services in death

Chaplains honour the mystery of death and the pain of grief.

They will help you with the rituals and prayers that are important for the person who died and those gathered to mark the passage from life through death and to commemorate the person who died.

Chaplains will also support you with:

  • viewings upon death
  • funeral options
  • memorial services and funerals.

How to access the service

Chaplain can receive referrals from patients and their families, or from staff.

Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH)

Chaplains are available to visit all areas and services of the hospital.

They are available 24 hours a day.

Call the RDH switchboard on 08 8922 8888 and ask them to page the chaplain.

You can also ask the ward staff to contact a chaplain for you.

Chaplains are located in the John Hargrave Building (Building 4), Red Wing, level 1, room 148.

Alice Springs Hospital (ASH)

The chaplain is available to visit all areas and services of the hospital during working hours from Monday to Friday.

After hours or during the weekend you can call the switchboard to arrange the local clergy - the visiting chaplain.

The hospital is supported by other chaplains who can visit patients of their own denominations.

Call the Alice Springs Hospital switchboard on 08 8951 7777 and ask them to page the chaplain.

The chaplain and chapel are located in the Alice Springs Hospital, on the ground floor.

Remote clinics and other sites

The chaplains are also available to do pastoral visits over the phone to any remote clinic, contact the RDH switchboard.