
Showing 31 - 40 of 430 search results for
  1. About Interpreting and Translating Service NT

    Information about translating and interpreting services in the NT, including what interpreters and translators do, and how to book an appointment.

  2. Assess their communication

    An informal communication assessment can determine whether a person may benefit from working with an Aboriginal interpreter.

  3. Ask if they want an interpreter

    If you think someone needs an interpreter, you should raise the topic in a sensitive manner. Here are some suggestions for how to do it.

  4. When to use an Aboriginal interpreter

    Steps you can take to identify whether a person needs an Aboriginal interpreter, including how to assess comprehension and communication.

  5. Indian

    Indian-born migrants first came to the Northern Territory (NT) in the 1970s. Find out about the NT's Indian community, including their history, religion,…

  6. Greek Cypriot

    Information about the Northern Territory (NT) Greek Cypriot community, including their history, languages and cultural events.

  7. Aboriginal language and plain English guide

    Information about Aboriginal language and plain English for Aboriginal interpreters.

  8. Multicultural community profiles

    Read about the Portugeuse-Timorese, Indian, Filipino and Greek Cypriot communities in the Northern Territory, including their languages, religions and events.

  9. Multicultural grants

    Find out about grants available to multicultural groups and community organisations in the Northern Territory, including Harmony Grants and community facility…

  10. Multicultural grants and your privacy

    If your application for a multicultural grant is successful, the details of the project will be made public.