
Non-government school assessments and reporting

After a non-government school is registered, it must undergo assessments and provide annual reporting.

These measures make sure the school is still meeting the registrations standards under the Education Act 2015.

They are part of the changes to the Act from 2 January 2024. Read more on the Department of Education website.

Initial and routine assessment

Within 6 months to 2 years of being registered, an initial assessment must be conducted.

A routine assessment will then be conducted every 5 years after the:

  • initial assessment or
  • most recent routine assessment.

If the school meets its registration standards, an updated registration certificate will be issued.

If the standards have been breached, the registrar may authorise a special investigation.

To carry out these assessments or an investigation, the registrar directs one or more assessors.


Every calendar year, the school must complete an annual self-assessment using the template provided.

For more information, read section 145 of the Act.

Annual reporting

The school must provide the following to the registrar by emailing registrarngs.doe@education.nt.gov.au:

  • annual self-assessment before the end of the school year
  • audited financial statement for a calendar year by 30 April each year
  • annual report by 31 April each year.

For more information, read sections 143 to 145 of the Act.


For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar Non-Government Schools by emailing registrarngs.doe@education.nt.gov.au.