Learning together
Resources and advice for families when supporting children’s learning.
Parents and carers have a crucial role in supporting their child's learning at home and at school.
Northern Territory schools may occasionally close due to health or environmental reasons.
Where a child is learning from home due to closures or direction by a health professional to self-isolate or quarantine, schools will provide learning to support the continuation of learning from home.
Some of the areas to consider when leading learning from home are:
- caring for the health and wellbeing of your family
- establishing routines and expectations
- creating a safe learning environment including online safety
- maintaining regular communication with your child, teacher and school.
For more information, read:
- advice to families if providing learning at home
- strategies for engaging parents in the learning process.
The Northern Territory Department of Education and Training acknowledge and thank our state and territory government colleagues for permission to use or reference any of their material or content within this site.
Supporting learning at home
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of the Northern Territory (NT) Department of Education and Training and, to the extent necessary and applicable, in reliance on section 113P or other applicable statutory licences or exceptions in the Copyright Act 1968.
This material is only permitted to be used by teachers, students and parents of students in the NT and has been made available in case of school closures.
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