Jury selection

A computer randomly selects names from the electoral roll. This is the list of people registered to vote in the Northern Territory (NT).

About 300 people are summonsed to attend court as a juror from the electoral roll and put into panels.

Only 12 to 14 people are selected to serve as a juror on each trial.

Choosing the final jury

You will be given a date to go to the Supreme Court to see if you are selected as a juror.

You may be dismissed if you are not needed, or you may be entered into a ballot, where the names the people who will serve on the jury will be drawn. 

You may also need to return on another day if the trial doesn't start on that day or if another trial is listed during the sittings for your jury panel.

Sittings normally go for about four weeks, but can be longer. 

Get on the electoral roll

To enrol for the first time or get back on the electoral roll, go to the Australian Electoral Commission website.

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