
Check land availability for exploration and mining

Find information below on the availability of land for the application for a title for:

  • mineral exploration or
  • mining and production in the NT.

How to identify areas for application

The department has a series of online databases and applications you can use to search for:

  • geoscientific data
  • tenure information
  • general land availability.

You can use searchable maps to identify areas for application, find out who owns them and discover whether there are existing titles over an area.

Many datasets can be downloaded and are available in both ESRI Shape and MapInfo TAB file formats.

Read more about geoscience data and maps.

For land tenure, title and geoscience information, go to the STRIKE website.

Parks and reserves

A title may be granted over land in a NT declared park or reserve zone after consultation between the Minister for Mining and Industry and the Minister for Environment.

If the title is granted it may be subject to stringent conditions agreed by the 2 ministers.

Cultural heritage and Aboriginal sacred sites

You must be aware of any heritage or sacred sites in your proposed application area.

After grant, anyone engaged in exploration, mining, or production work must comply with the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act 1989. Under the Act, it's illegal to enter or work on a sacred site.

You can be fined up to $52,000 or jailed for 2 years, and your company can be fined up to $260,000, if you enter or work on a sacred site.

For more information about the location of sacred sites, go to the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority website.

Telecommunication sites or Commonwealth land

Telecommunication sites or Commonwealth land can be included in a title application.

These will be either excluded by description at grant if the area is small or removed from the area prior to grant.