Mining licence applications
Under the Environment Protection Act 2019, an Environmental (Mining) Licence is required in order to undertake a mining activity.
The type of mining activity proposed will determine the type of licence required.
Public exhibition requirements
Applications for a modified or tailored condition licence are required to be publicly exhibited as follows.
Licence type: Activity type: | Standard | Modified | Tailored |
Exploration | N/A | 15 business days | 25 business days |
Extractives | N/A | 15 business days | 25 business days |
Mining | N/A | 25 business days | 30 business days |
Find applications under current assessment
New licence applications open for public comment are published on the Have Your Say website.
How to give feedback
You can give feedback through the Have Your Say NT website.
You can also lodge your submission by email to or by post to:
Executive Director Mining
Mining Division
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment
GPO Box 3675 DARWIN NT 0801
If you need more information on a specific Environmental (mining) Licence, contact the Mining Division on 08 8999 6528 or email